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Using the british asians as an example is an interesting one.
Blacks who do well have often worked far harder to get where they are than asians.
Seriously, how many times have you heard "3 asians and one English guy walk into a bar."
I mean, why ask asian americans or "east asians" at all?
When he told the Cor- asians about the robot, they were wild to have it.
Many of those teachers taught Kempo to only asians and locals.
I think it's funny that you're using the opinion of "asians" to label this movie as racist.
Mike - 1 month 20 days ago Is Taylor Swift asian?
Better for the white kids to go to all white schools, likewise black kids, asians etc.
If you want to make a point about orientals, then you should realize that asian is also a very blind category.pc as it may be.
Like it or not, I think racism exists, especially in this case asian against asian.
Pretty, Asian and in her early twenties.
Yup that pretty much sounds like my alma mater, 3 asians and one with an english name.
It is about specific asians: japanese people.
The Cor- asians are paying me an additional sum."
And there was always the Cor- asians.
Indeed, it is not about asians.
Xris scanned the area for the telltale glow of Cor- asians.
Leones win 1-0, the next day, Zacatecas State team defeated another time the asians.
It seems to me that it could just be that blacks and asians apply for more grants?
Just another cover/remix done by bored asians.
"And a Lane-sucking robot in the claws of the Cor- asians."
Genetically all south asians are a mixture of Indian and Indo-European genetics.
Well, just remember that affirmative action prevented many asians from enrolling in good college before it was lifted, despite their higher performance in school overall.
We might make asians or mexicans slaves.... i'm being dead serious!!!