Also, think about how your au pair is going to meet other people her age in a foreign country.
She should have an au pair and he had found her one.
But today, parents and an au pair came forward with a different story.
I have had au pairs for the last two years.
We had au pairs living with us until about 18 months ago.
It was the family's first experience with a foreign au pair, he said.
At age 18, she returned as an au pair to care for four children, all under 7.
The couple say they could not imagine their lives without an au pair.
I asked my friends who have had au pairs what they'd expected of them in the kitchen.
A different girl from the one we were seeking as the au pair.
Also, think about how your au pair is going to meet other people her age in a foreign country.
She should have an au pair and he had found her one.
But today, parents and an au pair came forward with a different story.
I have had au pairs for the last two years.
We had au pairs living with us until about 18 months ago.
It was the family's first experience with a foreign au pair, he said.
At age 18, she returned as an au pair to care for four children, all under 7.
The couple say they could not imagine their lives without an au pair.
I asked my friends who have had au pairs what they'd expected of them in the kitchen.
A different girl from the one we were seeking as the au pair.