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This is a good time to ask what a new American strategy should be for security against biological threats.
Protection from biological threats is essential for long time use.
Federal officials consider anthrax one of the most serious biological threats.
Between 2001 and 2010, Congress approved fifty billion dollars to protect against biological threats.
We've expanded our ability to detect chemical and biological threats.
It already has ample conventional force to counter chemical and biological threats.
There is a chapter on Terrorism which includes biological threats such as anthrax.
"This administration will pursue defenses against the full spectrum of biological threats," the official said.
Local and state agencies are also ill equipped, according to the report, to respond to a serious chemical or biological threat.
A biological threat that requires much more vigorous and urgent countermeasures.
The report summarizes interviews with 30 prominent members of industry, government and universities about biological threats.
Research viewed as dangerous, they say, may be the most likely to stimulate new defenses against biological threats and natural diseases.
Their sole purpose in life is to protect Kendarayans from any biological threat."
We should treat seriously, however, the data from intelligence sources that suggest he may soon "weaponize" his biological threat.
National responses to biological threats are clearly insufficient.
The market also leaves them ill equipped to meet new federal regulations to safeguard against biological threats, they contend.
Given that millions in the United States could die from a biological threat, it seems like a ridiculously small sum.
No law addresses chemical and biological threats.
"There are holes in a list of agents we think of as classical biological threats," he told reporters at a breakfast meeting.
This guide specifies procedural responses for a biological threat (anthrax) delivered by mail.
The substance was indeed a weapon, it emerged later, but one intended to counter a specific biological threat: a 56-year-old man's ulcer.
Beyond those, however, it's wiser to build a system that will allow us to react quickly to rapidly evolving or unexpected biological threats.
"Militarily, you can't rule out something like a biological threat, so this capability has not been taken off the table," the retired senior American officer said.
Another biological threat to the Canyon is the insect known as hemlock woolly adelgid.
It was not meant to replicate Iraqi or American designs but instead to illustrate a range of mobile biological threats.