Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This was followed, days later, by the British museum of the same name.
Plans are being made to move the aircraft to a British museum.
Two British museum officials did not return calls seeking comment.
A more complete list will be found in the British museum catalogue.
Like other national British museums, entrance to the museum has been free since 2001.
But at the British Museum he did his research well.
He put down the book and left the British Museum.
At the age of 4, she was taken by her parents to the British Museum.
From the outside, the British Museum looks the same as ever.
I told her she'd better go and ask the British Museum.
Not one of these three works is in the British Museum.
Some of his works can be seen at the British Museum.
He made up his mind to go to the British Museum.
She was deep into her studies at the British Museum.
Most of that furniture ended up in British museums years ago.
"When did you say the British Museum man was coming?"
It is now in room 33 of the British Museum.
Most of this work was done in the British Museum.
Getting it all ready to hand over to the British Museum along with the thing itself.
The rest were offered to the British Museum, which turned them down.
The results were published by the British Museum in 1900.
Many existing British museums are desperate for additional public support.
We must go to the British Museum and pick all those books through.
The event was first held in 2006, and takes place at the British Museum.
It was today in 1759 that the British Museum opened.
BM is much more dangerous than the magic commonly found in other games.
BM is simpler in many ways than other methods that try to influence problem employees.
How long does the BM have to sit in the toilet?
BM assumes that people learn from the consequences of their behaviour.
I wonder BM a child with blue eyes the color of mine.
BM - 1 month 13 days ago How about every rap video this year?
The entire series was replaced by the BM truck in 1947.
Actually, the sluggishness of the BM learning process has another cause.
BM - 3 days ago Where is his yellow raincoat?
As with all hill climbing, a BM may end up at a local minimum.
Within a BM, knowledge is stored in the values of its weights.
Bm there might be more to it than that.
Selecting the participants of the BM for each year from applicants.
Here we'll just stick to initials, BM, to save writing the words out each time.
Just my luck to be in a vulnerable BM.
"Return to BM economic structure for a minimum of twenty years.
BM first sent mission workers to Peru in 1927.
Often I agree with bm but find little in this that is of self grandeur.
As a result, it is very hard to predict the behaviour of a BM in detail.
Several students started taking down names and BM affiliations.
"And planned to nationalize all BM holdings by year's end."
They've found their way into high and trusted positions in every BM, some work on the council."
It is commonly known as BM among its locals.
While BM means the block is offshore, at sea.
A total of 217,682 Star BM pistols were made between 1972 and 1992.