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Except once, a father killed his son over a crab cake.
We asked if she could just order the crab cake for her meal.
The crab cake is a fine example of the genre.
People always go crazy over these, and they can never figure out why they're so much better than other crab cakes.
A young woman went by with a tray of crab cakes.
The crab cakes were a fine opening to the meal.
I have a neighbor who is crazy for crab cakes.
Satisfied with the answer, he turned back around and finished his crab cakes.
Best of the four, Maryland crab cake, looked less than promising.
The building is a national historic landmark and the crab cakes should be.
The crab cake was one of the best around.
And that's also the problem with the crab cake.
Case in point: a starter called shrimp and crab cakes.
The corn soup with an island of crab cake in the middle is not a total success, either.
Holding a crab cake together is a problem, though.
I helped her make crab cakes with the extra meat we had picked the day before.
Since this restaurant opened five years ago, its crab cakes have become legendary.
Handle and turn gently so that crab cakes do not fall apart.
And crab cakes had an off odor that kept me at arm's length.
More than one person at our table put the crab cakes on his best-ever list.
I tried to convince myself it was from too many shrimp and crab cakes.
Before long, my neighbor and I were trading crab cake news at every encounter.
Line plate with plastic wrap, and put crab cakes on it.
Crab cakes went into the pan and began to sizzle.
It was these crab cakes that got Hiram into trouble.