Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The film has shown significant strength in the DVD rental market.
That's kind of the situation now with regular DVD rentals.
The company and its rivals have 19 percent of the DVD rental market.
The village has a public library and a DVD rental store.
It also has a DVD rental store and a town cinema.
Or will they pull out the DVD rental business model patent (.
Not everyone wants to buy every movie, obviously, so DVD rentals are booming.
Blockbuster has also begun to investigate the online DVD rental market.
He and his wife started a DVD rental shop which now has franchises in most major cities.
The company originally started as an online DVD rental.
It expanded later to include a modest selection of DVD rentals.
I'm also probably gonna drop DVD rentals after this too.
The town has 3 DVD rental shops, two cinemas and a library.
But the story was different for DVD rentals.
A large audience discovered the film on cable, which in turn has driven the DVD rental market.
The company is hoping to replicate that success online with DVD rentals.
There is also a free DVD rental library.
In addition to 11 million DVD rental subscribers, the company streams tons of video.
As a DVD rental, the film has grossed a further $25 million.
"Then there's the video and DVD rentals, about $15 a week.
Currently there are three national level companies providing online DVD rentals:
It describes travel habits, DVD rentals, and book sales.
But the mail-order DVD rental business is competitive.
These figures do not include Blu-ray sales or DVD rentals.
The film recouped its losses from $24,747,717 of DVD rental and sales.