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He was also the voice of Dagwood on the radio series.
This was similar to Dagwood's scene in which he is taking a bath.
Dagwood wonders what will happen if they don't find any of their crew.
"And Dagwood was eating up a lot of her profits.
It is a corruption of the old name, dagwood or dagger wood.
With the consent of his wife, Dagwood accepts the offer, and they prepare for take off to the country.
He gets desperate to get his uniform back right away and sets out in search of Dagwood.
He walked into the office and phoned Dagwood's home.
You say it takes ten minutes to go from the jeweler's to Dagwood's?"
Dagwood caught goofing off or sleeping at his desk in the office.
Day after day watching Dagwood sleeping his life away on the living room sofa.
"I haven't made up my mind yet," returned Dagwood, brusquely.
She dropped the subject, looked at the Dagwood.
Afraid to tell Dagwood out of fear for expulsion, she decides to keep it a secret.
For the first seven of those years, a radio version was also broadcast with Lake in the Dagwood role.
When Henderson and Dagwood investigate, they quickly become sick from the water.
The exterior displays a 20-foot plastic Dagwood sandwich over the entrance.
He puts together a Dagwood sandwich and digs in.
Dagwood's hobby is household carpentry, but unfortunately his projects don't turn out well.
Lunch meats featuring Dagwood can be purchased at various grocery stores.
A friend once told Dagwood that Blondie looked like a 'million bucks'.
He continuously denies Dagwood's requests for a raise and frequently threatens to fire him.
"I thought America was like Dagwood and Blondie," he said.
When you come out of that jewelry store, with Raymond Dagwood, give the crescent sign.