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This line is similar to the Danish Gambit.
An alternative is to sacrifice one or two pawns, for example in the Danish Gambit.
From the very beginning the nomenclature of the Danish Gambit was very confusing.
Danish gambit 1.
He essayed the Danish Gambit (1.
Bc4 (known as the Danish Gambit) is virtually never played nowadays, but White does get good value for his pawn(s).
Schlechter Variation of the Danish Gambit 1.
The Danish Gambit is a variation of the Center Game that is important enough to be treated on its own.
The Göring Gambit is a relative of the Danish Gambit that starts with 4.
Bxb2 (Danish Gambit Accepted, see diagram)
In his book Modern Ideas In The Chess Openings, Horowitz proposed a defense against the Danish Gambit (1.
Fischer had pencilled in his own analyses of the Scotch Game, Giuoco Piano, Evans Gambit, Bishop's Gambit, Danish Gambit, and other openings.
The Danish Gambit was popular with masters of the attack including Alekhine, Marshall, Blackburne, and Mieses, but as more defensive lines for Black were discovered and improved, it lost favor in the 1920s.
His successful defences of the Danish Gambit against Jacques Mieses and Karl Helling, involving judicious return of the sacrificed material for advantage, were used as models of defensive play by Max Euwe and Kramer in their two-volume series on the middlegame.
He does video lectures on the Internet Chess Club Website, and has a series called "Gambit Guide" which covers openings like the Danish Gambit, Cochrane Gambit, Evans Gambit, Budapest Gambit, and the Fried Liver Attack.
A good guess as to its origin is provided by the fact that it prevents such sharp attacks as the Danish Gambit, the Evans Gambit and the Scotch Gambit, which all pose threats on the a2-f7 diagonal leading to the black king if Black castles on the kingside.