Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A very low proportion of students speak English as an additional language.
One in six of the students speaks English as an additional language, which is well above the national average.
The number of pupils who speak English as an additional language is quite high.
Ninety students speak English as an additional language at an early stage of development.
English as an Additional Language programs for international students begin each month.
No pupils currently receive support teaching in English as an additional language.
There are very few pupils from minority ethnic groups or with English as an additional language.
Sixty-four percent are English as an additional language students.
Many people learn English as an additional language.
(Two places per class are reserved for children with English as an additional language.)
A large percentage of the pupils are of ethnic minority, and speak English as an additional language.
A number of students arrive after the beginning of Year 7, including growing numbers who speak English as an additional language.
Teaching English as an additional language has enjoyed the same low status as the young immigrants it is designed to teach.
Over 40 per cent of students speak English as an additional language and there are more than 50 first languages spoken across College campuses.
The majority of these are of Pakistani origin, with many speaking English as an additional language.
A high proportion of pupils (almost 93 per cent) are from ethnic minority backgrounds and almost all have English as an additional language.
The school has classrooms for each year group along with a dedicated room for English as an Additional Language.
The three-story classroom buildings hold classes for grades 1 through 12, plus a readiness program and programs for students using English as an additional language.
As well as that, more than 50 languages are spoken at the school and 70% of the students hold English as an additional language.
Two thirds of students are of other than White British heritage and nearly half speak English as an additional language.
At the time, 98% of the children were learning English as an additional language and the proportion eligible for free school meals was double the national average.
Funnily enough, pupils with English as an additional language speak English, in addition to the other languages they speak.
The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic heritages is much lower than average, as is the percentage who speak English as an additional language.
International Stanborough School makes provision for students for who are learning to speak English as an additional language.
Where necessary, children receive EAL (English as an additional language) support from qualified teachers.
To achieve a particular EAL, the computer system must meet specific assurance requirements.
Once the EAL is created for a specific environment, developers link to the library to create their applications.
And why is an operating system certified to EAL 6+ for process separation not sufficient?
Where necessary, children receive EAL (English as an additional language) support from qualified teachers.
Charles Owen sold his interest in EAL in the mid-1960s.
EAL can stand for:
EAL may refer to:
EAL (disambiguation)
Technically speaking, a higher EAL means nothing more, or less, than that the evaluation completed a more stringent set of quality assurance requirements.
Surely Sting takes the biscuit for awful rhymes (and he doesn't have the benefit of EAL).
EAL, which means "nglish as an dditional anguage".
- Firewall specification (EAL 4)
Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)
Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL)
English as a Second Language (EAL) is offered to students whose English skills are not adequate to follow the lessons.
Some Linux distributions (Rated up to EAL 4+)
EAL operated their 4-0-4s in the eastern USA using the class name "Silver Falcon".
Part I - 7" Vinyl (EAL 038)
Part II - 10" Vinyl (EAL 039)
Digipack CD edition (EAL 043)
Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) - the numerical rating describing the depth and rigor of an evaluation.
In 2012 he started to use the experience gained from the academies to manage a similar program named "EAL Akadeemia" for young Estonian drivers.
Clues turn Kyril's journey north, first to the fortress of El Eal, then finally into the Kooluk Empire itself.
He had planned his transatlantic flight for some time but was unable to finance it on his pay as an Eastern Air Lines (EAL) pilot.
El Eal explodes, forcing the Hero activate the Rune of Punishment one last time, followed by the Hero passing out.
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