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Will the European Financial Stability Fund be used or will private investors and national governments - the German position - stand behind them?
The European Financial Stability Fund is also expected to price some bonds today, which will be a test of investor confidence in the eurozone.
Soros writes that a treaty is needed to transform the European Financial Stability Fund into a full-fledged European Treasury.
The ECB president used the term to underline his support for the European Financial Stability Fund, telling reporters that:
So Geithner objects to taxing financial transaction and - at the same time - demanding that extra taxpayer's money be pumped into the European financial stability fund.
There was good news earlier when the German parliament overwhelmingly voted through an extension to the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF).
There are a number of technical fixes under discussion, including allowing the European Financial Stability Fund to leverage its resources by loaning to another entity that could issue bonds.
It is precisely this package of reforms to which the future European stability mechanism will belong, as, in the more immediate future, will the reinforcement of the European financial stability fund.
Our esteemed colleague in Brussels, Bruno Waterfield, has got tongues wagging with some info on the European Financial Stability Fund nt being all it's cracked up to be.
According to Fitch, another ratings agency, the French downgrade will reduce the €440 billion lending capacity of the European Financial Stability Fund, the euro bail-out mechanism, to €293 billion.
On 11 October 2011, the National Council of the Slovak Republic, the parliament of Slovakia, voted on whether to approve the expansion of the European Financial Stability Fund.
Mr Stiglitz also said that while he was critical of the ratings agencies, a decision to downgrade the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) on Monday was reasonable.
But fresh data showed that Japan bought 13pc of €300m of European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) bonds at a recent auction raising hopes for help from Asia.
For Thursday's vote was on a package put together back in July, empowering the European Financial Stability Fund to buy bonds pre-emptively and recapitalise banks, but up to a limit that now looks paltry.
Plans for a €1 trillion "big bazooka" to stem the debt crisis have been crushed as Standard & Poor's stripped the European Financial Stability Fund of its AAA credit rating.
A government spokesman has briefed journalists in Berlin that finance minister Wolfgang Schaüble told his cabinet colleagues this morning that there was "no plans" to enlarge the European Financial Stability Fund.
It was decided that the ESM would have a size of 500 billion euros, by replacing the non-permanent European Financial Stability Fund and the European Financial Stability Mechanism.
As Simon Smith of FxPro says: "This is why there is a far greater reliance on guarantees and talk of leveraging the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF).
Then the ECB, backed by the rules, will be given the green light to act as 'lender of last resort', backed up by a one billion euro leveraged European Financial Stability Fund."
In 2013, this European stability mechanism will replace the current temporary stability instruments - the European financial stability fund and the European financial stability mechanism - and we all know how useful they are.
In a major boost for German leader Angela Merkel, the German parliament has voted overwhelmingly to expand the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF), the eurozone's rescue fund.
If France's credit rating is cut, it's hard to imagine that the European Financial Stability Fund (the vehicle that raises funds for Greece, Ireland and Portugal) would keep its own AAA rating.
Sarkozy also states that he and Merkel agree to ask the European Central Bank to do all it can so that the European Financial Stability Fund (the current bailout vehicle) works "as well as possible".
The cost of fire-fighting the eurozone's debt crisis is "staggering" according to none other than Klaus Regling, the head of the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF), the eurozone's main bail-out vehicle.
Finally, with the current European Financial Stability Fund, and by 2013 the permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM), we will have a backstop tool to guarantee the stability of the Euro area as a whole, if needed.
I believe this will be tremendous support for the EFSF.
We're also going to increase the capital stock of the EFSF.
But it may become more expensive for the EFSF to raise money.
Other countries' banks, however, may need financial support from the state or the EFSF.
It has about 70 personnel, who are also responsible for the EFSF.
There is only one sentence in this document about the EFSF.
How big does the EFSF now have to be to reassure investors?
But if they were to do that, then the EFSF might find it hard to raise any money at all.
Will the opposition now offer its support and get the EFSF expansion plan passed?
In other words, the EFSF is only as good as its backers.
The work of the EFSF will not be torpedoed.
Or they could stretch their own balance sheets more to strengthen the EFSF.
The EFSF issues debt to raise the money it lends to countries in need.
The funds would be seeded with EFSF money and contributions from outside investors.
"We cannot simply implement agreements, such as the EFSF, without first asking how they work," he said.
Finland has said it will not raise EFSF guarantees.
For the job that the EFSF has in coming months, the sum of guarantees is easily sufficient.
What are the options for boosting the EFSF?
That will make it harder and pricier for the EFSF to borrow.
Could the idea of making the EFSF an insurer have the reverse effect to what was intended?
Strache said that the EFSF expansion was the wrong decision.
This time opposition voting yes and passing the EFSF.
They specifically mentioned the EFSF and said that they were ready to reinforce it.
The increase expanded the effective lending capacity of the EFSF to €440 billion.
Spain, the EFSF and Germany are also planning on selling debt.
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