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And above all, do not forget the chocolate Easter bunny.
How long should kids believe in the Easter bunny?
He shows up in an Easter bunny costume while drunk.
Like everyone, I got a little wooden Easter bunny with my bill.
"If the Easter bunny comes hopping down the road, they're home free.
A dozen other people behind left field wore Easter bunny outfits - or maybe they were just cold.
You were the Easter bunny one time and a Christmas tree the next.
This is even after the Easter Bunny turned out to be a lie.
Daniel takes the hint, dressing up as the Easter bunny, and it works.
I say you might have to talk to my friend the Easter Bunny."
She'd knotted them up over his head so that he looked like a dignified Easter bunny.
Have you heard the one about the Easter Bunny, too?"
Right behind the chocolates and roses, the Easter bunnies are already getting in line.
"It's like being the Easter Bunny in a department store," he said.
And there was theoretically an Easter Bunny, too, he thought, looking around.
The Easter Bunny will not bring back those resources.
How does the Easter Bunny get from house to house?
So you have an Easter bunny coming do you?
"I don't care if he calls himself the Easter Bunny!"
If you believe in the Easter Bunny, that is.
She smiled the way you would at a kid who believed in the Easter Bunny.
Yeah, and the Easter Bunny brings me goodies every year.
So it was not easy to make the decision to publicly trash the Easter Bunny.
The event, with the Easter Bunny on hand, will run rain or shine.
There are also derivatives of the Easter Bunny in other cultures.