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The budget for the work is approximately 690 million Birr.
It was Birr's first county final triumph in twenty years.
Despite its small size, Birr has maintained itself and supported various private business throughout the years.
After 1950 Birr changed from an agricultural to an industrial village.
Before 1976, dollar was the official English translation of birr.
Shares worth six million Birr were sold to 700 new shareholders.
Mr. Birr said he spent less than a week in the hospital, and was feeling fine.
So it was that shortly after the game itself, Birr began to nod.
The councils jurisdiction was only to the Birr urban area.
Budgeted at 35 million Birr, construction of the hospital is expected to take three years.
This was reportedly accompanied with almost 68 million Birr in infrastructure development.
It was established by more than 3400 shareholders with a registered capital of birr 60 million.
I believe some one has merely given Birr a sleeping potion.
It was imperative that he question Birr at once.
Nothing except that the waiter has evidently tried to poison Birr.
But he walked away from, rather than toward, Nelson Birr's table.
The routes are combined as they pass through Birr.
After surrendering their titles the following year, Birr bounced back in 1999.
Then he picked up Birr's glass and sniffed it.
Banagher lies in the Birr electoral area, which can return 5 members to the council.
It was a fourth successive county title for Birr.
That game ended in a draw; however, Birr completely dominated the replay.
The ideal place for a quick lunch in the centre of Birr before visiting the castle gardens.
Once Birr had taken the drug, it would be an easy matter for X to get him to his crime laboratory.
The union argued that management should be excluded from the proceeds which would increase salaries by 52 birr.