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European Digital Rights was created in response to some of the earliest challenges in this policy area.
The members of European Digital Rights who have joined forces to defend civil rights in the information society are:
European Digital Rights and its members are currently fighting for a European Data Protection Regulation.
As the European Digital Rights group notes French politicians use that law to bill themselves as the "world's pioneer of the civilized Internet."
That provision was added at the urging of the civil liberties organization European Digital Rights (EDRi).
European Digital Rights (EDRi) is a not-for-profit association registered in Belgium.
European Digital Rights (EDRi) is an international advocacy group headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
Quintessenz is a co-organizer of the Austrian version of the Big Brother Awards and a member of European Digital Rights.
European Digital Rights was founded in June 2002 as a result of a growing awareness of the importance of European policy making in the digital environment.
According to European Digital Rights, the article "provides an extremely low threshold" when considering that the scope includes "acts" and because consequences for infringement can include criminal penalties.
Effi is a member of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign and a founding member of European Digital Rights (EDRi).
See European Digital Rights (EDRi), Danish supreme court upholds injunction to block the Pirate Bay, June 2, 2010, available at
So when a leading European digital rights group describes a just-adopted, non-legislative European Parliament resolution on dealing with intellectual property as "a stab in the back of citizens' freedoms," we were naturally intrigued.
Andreas Dietl, European Union affairs director at European Digital Rights, a group fighting for individuals' rights on the Internet, said that even with the need for an injunction, privacy protection for the individual was not adequate.
The group has links with organisations such as the German Working Group against Data Retention (Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung) and the Chaos Computer Club, and it is a member of the umbrella organisation European Digital Rights.
His term lasted two years, and from June 2002 to June 2004, he operated as an honorary board member of the European Digital Rights Institution (EDRI), an umbrella organisation for European Non-governmental organization which campaigns for human rights in the digital age.
Bits of Freedom organizes the Dutch version of the Big Brother Awards, initiated European cooperation between digital rights watch foundations in European Digital Rights (EDRI) and collects data leaks in the Netherlands to raise awareness for the potential dangers of increasing collection of data.