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Over £9 million from the European Regional Development Fund was invested into the project.
The data is used to define regions that are supported with financial aid in programs such as the European Regional Development Fund.
The expenditure was 80% funded by the European Regional Development Fund and 20% by the Greek Government.
The two main grants are from the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund.
This will be particularly important in the case of the European Regional Development Fund in the event that future recipients of funding include towns and villages.
Charabanc is also grateful for support under the Physical and Social Environment Sub-Programme of the European Regional Development Fund.
It was funded by the Scottish Government and part financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
I am glad that we are able to amend the European Regional Development Fund Regulation today in relation to housing people in difficult circumstances, marginalised groups throughout the Union.
The European Regional Development Fund and the other Structural Funds have accomplished a great deal, but they can and must do more and better for the European Union.
The Whitby Marina project, jointly funded by Scarborough Borough Council, Yorkshire Forward and the European Regional Development Fund was developed to diversify the local economy.
I personally believe that an increase of up to 15% in the European Regional Development Fund rate, which can be used by Member States to fund energy performance in residential buildings, is a necessity.
It must be made clear that both the ESF as well as the European Regional Development Fund and the new Globalisation adjustment Fund must directly benefit those threatened or affected by unemployment.
That is why we are extremely apprehensive about the recent amendment to the General Regulation on the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund proposed by the Portuguese Government to the European Commission.
Part of this funding comes from the Exchequer and part from the European Regional Development Fund through the two Regional Assemblies: the South and East Region, and the Border, Midlands and West Region.
The European Regional Development Fund's Objective One structural funds provided £7.5 million through the Welsh European Funding Office, Corus Steelworks Regeneration Fund £7 million and the Welsh Assembly Government provided the balance.
Opening in October 2005 with funding from the European Regional Development Fund, Yorkshire Forward, Craven District Council and the Arts Council England, it provides a unique rural theatre, events and other facilities within a functioning Auction Mart.
Subject: Interreg for islandsDoes the Council intend to support calls for a specific strand on inter-island cooperation being included in the Interreg programme as requested by Parliament amendments at first reading to the Varela Suanzes-Carpegna report on the European Regional Development Fund?
However, bearing in mind the difficulties experienced earlier in realising the project in relation to the economic crisis and the expected accumulation of payments for proposals both from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund, the resources planned by the Commission for 2011 might be insufficient.
In 2001 Peshkar secured support from the European Regional Development Fund, which allowed it to constitute the organisation as a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Registered Charity, and develop a business plan that would build on the company's growing reputation as a regionally significant Asian Arts organisation.
Mr President, when we prepared the opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on the proposal for a Council regulation laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund, we tabled 32 recommendations.