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Be that a bank, estate agent or accountant - those come under registration with the Financial Supervision Commission.
The establishment of the Financial Supervision Commission is an important step towards strengthening supervision.
Financial Supervision Commission (1982)
The bank operates a branch on the Isle of Man, which is licensed by the Financial Supervision Commission.
After being twice returned for revision, the prospectus for the offering was finally approved by the Financial Supervision Commission in July 2015.
If it is, the Isle of Man's Financial Supervision Commission said that would trigger compensation payments for sums up to £50,000.
The committee will also looking at the role of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) in protecting depositors' funds.
He has, since 2001, been a Commissioner for the Financial Supervision Commission of the Isle of Man Government.
If there was, we will give pertinent information to the Financial Supervision Commission and prospectors,' said deputy minister Chang Sheng-ford.
Registered with the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission for Banking and Investment Business.
The Isle of Man's Financial Supervision Commission reports that they have identified counterfeit World Passports.
The establishment of branches of foreign insurance companies is subject to licensing by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).
The Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission has appointed a new director of enforcement who will take up his post in mid-April.
The Financial Supervision Commission in the Isle of Man pays up to £50,000 in compensation, net of any loans you may also owe the same bank.
Since March 2003, supervision of the financial sector (excluding banking) has been carried out by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).
The Financial Supervision Commission said Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander's customers would be contacted to make a claim once the DPS was activated.
The Manx Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) suspended the bank's licence on 8 October after its parent bank Kaupthing was nationalised.
The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) said savings of up £50,000 would be protected by the new Depositors Protection Scheme (DPS).
In this role he kept the Isle of Man's status as a 'tax haven' and moved to build up the financial services sector as Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission.
Close Investment Management (Isle of Man) Limited is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission to conduct Investment Business.
Securities will be offered solely on the basis of a prospectus to be issued by the Company in connection with such offering and to be submitted to the Polish Financial Supervision Commission.
Responding to criticisms and recommendations contained in their report, the Financial Supervision Commission was established in 1983, and the Insurance Authority (later the Insurance and Pensions Authority) in 1986.
Collins Stewart (CI) Limited are licensed in Jersey by the Jersey Financial Services Commission and in the Isle of Man by the Financial Supervision Commission.
The system for electronic budgetary payments was expanded to include the national broadcasting stations, the Financial Supervision Commission, the National Health Insurance Fund and the State Commission for Information Security.
Where the director is a corporate entity, it must be a holder - or a subsidiary of a holder - of an appropriate fiduciary license issued by the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission.