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The food technologists should go back to their drawing board.
Food technologists say the production would be a breeze.
This formula comes from a food technologist who justifiably wishes to remain unidentified.
In China, the local potatoes did not make good french fries, so company food technologists spent seven years working to develop a new strain.
To simulate fat, food technologists had to fool a wide range of sensory responses.
He is a teacher, mathematician and food technologist.
So food technologists are busy putting omega-3's into foods Americans will eat, like ice cream.
Institute of Food Technologists in food science and technology.
He was one of eight people to found the Institute of Food Technologists.
Other food technologists assert that medium-rare pork, cooked to 145 degrees, is perfectly safe.
He served as president of the Institute of Food Technologists during 2006-2007.
"I'm not a food technologist," he says.
Food technologists came up with alternative cooking systems decades ago for use on ships, where open vats of grease were too hazardous.
Baker was elected a fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists in 1997.
There is one man responsible for peaches, apricots and nectarines: food technologist Peter Village.
A trade group, the Long Island Institute of Food Technologists, has 235 members, and the organization is growing.
The Institute of Food Technologists said almost 70 percent of people in focus groups thought the government would keep food safe.
Presented at the 2002 Institute of Food Technologists in Anaheim, California.
To achieve the fat reduction, Taco Bell will use ingredients, some of them proprietary, developed by its food technologists and vendors.
Fellow - Institute of Food Technologists (1979).
His work would earn him Fellowship of the Institute of Food Technologists in 1994.
In 1991, the Institute of Food Technologists rated the top 10 innovations in food technology.
After a seminar on the use of plant culture in genetic engineering at the New Orleans meeting, one food technologist dubbed such products "sci-fi food."
In 1988 the Institute of Food Technologists reported on plasticizers used in polyvinyl chloride films.
She is a food technologist and was a 1990 "outstanding graduate" of American Institute of Baking, Kansas.