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Once they were settled, the process of Germanization was begun.
During the war, strong Germanization was introduced by the authorities.
They were then placed for adoption if the Germanization was effective.
We discovered then that the process of Germanization had been going on secretly during twenty years.
The process of Germanization of other ethnic groups was complex.
If they passed, the woman would be permitted to give birth, and the child was removed for Germanization.
They gave in to Germanization later than western tribes that were conquered earlier.
Their children were often taken for Germanization while they were deported.
As a result the process of Germanization accelerated in the late thirteen and fourteen hundreds.
Due to German settlers coming to the area, the city was Germanization.
There was no forced Germanization prior to 1873.
During the stay in the seminary he edited some literary magazines, and fought against germanization.
Polish children were kidnapped for Germanization, forced labour and medical experiments.
Linguists assume that Germanization was completed only in the 12th century.
Attempts were even made to establish the basic criteria to be used in determining whether a given group lent itself to Germanization.
This occupation led to centuries of Polish resistance against Germanization.
No Germanization was performed in Lithuania Minor prior to 1873.
Frederick the Great brought 300,000 colonists to territories he conquered to facilitate Germanization.
This school system was rejected by the Slovene national minority as an "instrument of Germanization".
This led to further German colonization and Germanization.
From 1871 the industrialization of the region and German immigration began; official Germanization intensified.
These contacts may have contributed to Germanization of these Mennonites.
It is characterized by devastation by foreign troops; Germanization; and economic and political decline.
It included direct and indirect Germanization.
After a short break the process of Germanisation continued since 1849.
These might include the children of people executed for resisting Germanisation.
The Germanisation had been halted and the censorship lifted as well.
For those who did not resist, Germanisation tended to proceed slowly.
Even here, Germanisation threatened the native language and culture.
Germanisation of institutions, education as well through colonisation was implemented.
They were sent to the Reich to be subject to "Germanisation".
Prussian officials identified Germanisation as the progress of higher culture over a lower one.
Other measures in support of the Germanisation policy included:
It was a vehicle for germanisation, as everything Polish including the language were banned from schools and offices.
After the failing attempt of Germanisation, the first arrests started on June 19, 1940.
Adults who were selected for but resisted Germanisation were executed.
Additionally almost 30,000 children were kidnapped by German authorities from their parents for potential Germanisation.
Germanisation in these conquered countries proceeded more slowly.
A second colonization aimed at Germanisation was pursued by Prussia after 1832.
This part of the Silesia region was the least affected by centuries of germanisation.
He unsuccessfully tried to oppose the Germanisation campaign begun by the Prussians.
This was needed to perpetuate their work; only by effective Germanisation could mothers, in particular, create the German home.
The Polish language was eventually banned from schools and government offices as part of the Germanisation policies.
This event was used as pretext and justification presented to the international community for actions aiming at Germanisation of those provinces.
The uprising was successful and the Wends delayed Germanisation for about two centuries.
Those among them found to be "racially valuable" were sent from here to the Reich for adoption and Germanisation.
He believed that Germanisation would bring the Poles security and a place in the world that they could not otherwise expect.
This led to a germanisation and barbarisation of the army, as the tax was used to recruit mercenaries.