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There are 70,000 guest workers in the country now, and more coming.
Officials of the two countries may find common ground, though, in new guest worker programs.
Guest workers are people brought into a country to work in different industries.
In times of economic prosperity more guest workers may be needed.
At this time, a large number of residents are guest workers in various foreign countries.
In some countries guest workers are not allowed to stay long periods of time.
I think we need to continue to work through this issue of guest workers."
The woman and her fellow guest workers had hardly enough money for food.
The bill does not include a path to citizenship for guest workers.
Now he'd find out if the humans kept a list of their guest workers' names.
The Thai guest workers are not alone in their complaints.
To help poor nations the most, the program must ensure that guest workers return to their home countries.
Administration officials declined to say how long people could remain in the guest worker program.
And they fear being laid off along with Polish guest workers.
Foreign students coming into the US may also be guest workers.
After two years, if the government certified that those changes were in place, a guest worker program would begin.
The Bush administration is considering new strategies, including the guest worker program.
The problem is also not the acceptance of guest workers, although they are subject to completely different conditions within individual states.
During this time, women's rights groups had not, in general, made the guest worker issue a feminist cause.
The proposal was accepted but to only allow Chinese men into the country as guest workers.
The House bill did not include a guest worker or legalization plan.
And this is why a "guest worker" program will never succeed.
Germany's guest worker program was ended more than two decades ago.
To begin with, experience shows that guest workers are not good guests: they rarely want to leave.
After all, guest workers are not just labor, they are people.