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I hope she doesn't hector her poor employers to death with questions.
But it's useless to go upstairs now and hector him about it.
"What manner of boy is this, to hector me and have his will?
It cannot be a relationship where either party feels entitled to lecture or hector the other.
Aides hector them about the time they spend together: "What, are you two, an item?"
But will he resist the temptation to hector his people from afar?
We soon got back into the old way, and now we hector one another just as before."
"And he tried to hector me about the idea after-.
Well then, on that mercenary ground, will you agree to let me hector a little?"
She doesn't hector us about giving up things.
You have no right to hector me!
He would not be content with the ability to hector a board that by law remains largely independent from City Hall.
She would hector, then ten minutes later cajole.
He began to hector her about Animal Rights.
A drug-plagued city is fighting back, galvanized by the shooting of a 60-year-old woman, who was known to hector drug dealers.
Our role is neither to hector our readers nor to censor on their behalf.
In the Prologue, his parents and other authority figures hector him, as well as numerous television advertisements.
Beneath the tight-trimmed beard his heavy jaw clenched hard, yet he did not hector her about titles.
Even at 160 pounds, 35 less than his playing weight, Mr. Weaver looks like a man you don't hector too hard.
He doesn't hector the audience; he nudges it.
Morally stern, Adams also admonished his son to make "a good account" of himself, and continued to hector him well into his adulthood.
Now Lou Piniella can hector him in Spanish, and maybe it will work.
His unwillingness to escalate the encounter in that fashion meant he stayed pinned on his back for them to hector from above.
But in recent days, many police officers have been pushing the legal boundaries as they hector Mr. Bloomberg.
Mr. Parsons agrees, but he has no patience with those who hector him about racial responsibilites.