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Adult black sea cucumbers are normally either male or female.
The black sea cucumber is a detritivore and feeds mostly at night.
Looking down into the clear, shallow water, we spotted a black sea cucumber that wound its sinuous way along the sand like a snake.
And my favorite, for a return visit I must make someday: "Hot and numbing big black sea cucumber."
The parasitic copepod Asterocheres boecki is an endoparasite of the black sea cucumber.
Holothuria leucospilota, commonly known as the black sea cucumber, is a species of marine invertebrate in the family Holothuriidae.
Stichopus chloronotus (black sea cucumber)
The black sea cucumber occurs around the Atlantic coasts of northwest Europe, the Canary Islands, the Azores and in the Mediterranean Sea.
Other common inhabitants are blue crab, swimming crab, mudskipper, humpback shrimp, mud lobster, pomfret, sole, anchovy, scad, rock cod, rainbow cuttlefish, soft cuttlefish, musk crab, mackerel, moray eel, puffer fish, rabbitfish, groupers, black sea cucumber, brain coral, staghorn coral and flowerlike soft coral.
It was created in 1911 for the Lancashire cotton-spinner, Charles Macara.
It is better fun, during the holidays, to be the son of a travelling merchant, than son and heir to the greatest cotton-spinner in creation.
His first situation was in the establishment of a cotton-spinner named Waddington, at Stockingfield, near Glasgow.
In 1816 he joined the increasing flow of Irish migrants to Britain, and worked as a cotton-spinner in Manchester.
Holothuria forskali, the black sea cucumber or cotton-spinner, is a species of sea cucumber in the family Holothuriidae.
In April 1891 to Mary, daughter of Francis William Ashton, cotton-spinner and calico printer, of Hyde, Cheshire, who survived him.
Born on 21 December 1899 in Oldham, Lancashire, James Donald Innes Hardman was the son of a master cotton-spinner, also named James, and his wife Wilhelmina.
Reputation as moderate nationalist securing concessions through constitutional means. 13/ Robert Peel (1788-1850) - the son of a rich Lancashire cotton-spinner, educated at Harrow and Oxford, he was elected to Parliament in 1807.
What signifies a pedigree of a hundred links, against a cotton-spinner with steam in his mill; or, against a company of broad-shouldered Liverpool merchants, for whom Stephenson and Brunel are contriving locomotives and a tubular bridge?
And, in any case, the Bartram-Hynde side of her nature, which might have made her interesting, has been somewhat watered down, one finds, by her mother - a cotton-spinner's daughter with social ambitions, I believe, from some dreary middle-class suburb somewhere or other.
The temperature of the Skerries during the summer months is warmer than other parts of Northern Ireland, and so the rocks are home to particularly interesting fauna; it is the only place many southern species such as the cotton spinner sea cucumber Holothuria forskali are found in Northern Ireland.