Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
IBRD then cleaned the data and provided reports to Abbott.
The association and IBRD operate with a staff of approximately 10,000 employees.
The IBRD has 184 countries as its members.
The IBRD till then was concentrating on investments in physical capital.
The following countries have graduated from their eligibility for IBRD lending.
The IBRD has 188 member governments, and the other institutions have between 140 and 176 members.
The dates mark the fiscal year at which the IBRD begins recognizing the given nation's status.
The IBRD also offers loans in local currencies.
IBRD and IDA are run on the same lines.
As a result the IBRD was set up in 1945 as a worldwide institution for development and reconstruction.
He retired from IBRD in 1955, although he continued to consult on engineering issues for it until the time of his death.
Under this system, the IMF and the IBRD were established.
The IBRD was created to speed up post-war reconstruction, to aid political stability, and to foster peace.
The IBRD is owned by 189 member countries which pay in capital, vote on matters of policy, and approve all of its activities.
Only the United States contribution of $570 million was actually available for IBRD lending.
Together with four affiliated agencies created between 1957 and 1988, the IBRD is part of the World Bank Group.
The order of 250 vehicles was funded by a loan given by IBRD for developing of the road network.
The IBRD began investing in development projects such as the Japanese high-speed railway system in 1964.
In 1991, the IBRD declared that it will not fund commercial logging projects in tropical rainforests.
Membership in the IBRD is available only to countries who are members of the International Monetary Fund.
The IBRD provides financial services as well as strategic coordination and information services to its borrowing member countries.
The IBRD was to be a specialized agency of the United Nations charged with making loans for economic development purposes.
In addition, representatives of the IMF and IBRD were in attendance.
Following a recommendation from the IBRD, the national railway which linked Freetown to the rest of the country was permanently closed in 1974.
In 1971, the IBRD set up an agricultural scientific research partnership organization to promote research and technology in agriculture.
Its name was the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
He was also executive director at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development from 1950 to 1962.
Economic Development Institute, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1975.
The management of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development has already paid more than $130 million in severance packages.
Riddell worked with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Washington from 1969 to 1971.
From 1953 to 1958, he was the Alternate Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
In 1953, he became the division chief for the Middle East at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
He is one of a handful of people to make the environmental record of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development an issue in recent years.
Roughly US$8.5 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was given to the islands.
He worked as an accountant, then did stints in the Air Force and at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Following a recommendation from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the railway into Freetown was removed in 1975, and has never been reopened.
One unit, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which is self-financing, raises money by issuing bonds backed by 180 member nations.
St. Lucia received $3 million in funds by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for 15 years of maturity.
He later served as U.S. executive director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development between 1965 and 1968.
Mr. Chaufournier retired 10 years ago from the bank, whose official name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
After the war, Mr Gordon was the Canadian representative on the newly formed International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - the World Bank - would mobilize capital to rebuild the shattered world economy.
Possible investors cited by the press included the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank.
LEAD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development yesterday began its largest debt offering in the United States since 1976.
He joined the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) in 1953 as chief of the bank's transportation division.
The World Bank, as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is popularly known, is the largest financier of antipoverty programs in developing countries.
Full title: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD (World Bank).
The rules of this system were set forth in the articles of agreement of the IMF and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Membership in the IFC is available only to countries who are members of the World Bank, particularly the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
World Bank loans to Iran come only from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
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