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June 13 - International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO).
In addition to this, she has been ordered by the ICPO to enter the tournament to investigate suspicious activities surrounding Ehrgeiz.
A colleague from ICPO is trying to persuade him to return to work, but Zenigata says he has "no interest in a world without Lupin".
Lupin III: Legend of the Gold of Babylon (1985, ICPO Director)
While arrested and jailed on numerous occasions, typically by his ICPO nemesis Inspector Koichi Zenigata, he has always managed to escape.
Although still in high school, her talents in Jyujutsu have been acknowledged by the ICPO which enable her to participate in their hand to hand combat research team.
Lupin and his gang are constantly chased by Inspector Koichi Zenigata of the ICPO, who has made it his life's work to arrest them, chasing Lupin across the globe.
Complicating matters is Inspector Zenigata, who has been roped into judging the "Miss ICPO Beauty Contest" and must now drag a group of nominees around with him, all eager to prove themselves as agents.
Interpol is the short form of International Criminal Police Organization.
I represent the International Criminal Police Organization in Paris."
International Criminal Police Organisation (and a New York band)
Interpol is the telegraphic address for the International Criminal Police Organization, an intergovernmental organization.
That year he also attended the general assembly of the International Criminal Police Organization at Frankfurt, Germany.
Dubai authorities stated they were ruling the death a homicide and were working with the International Criminal Police Organization to investigate the incident.
International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol)
June 13 - International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO).
The secretary General Dolkun Isa is on the Red Notice List of International Criminal Police Organization.
From 1966, the Headquarters of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) was located at 22 Rue Armengaud until 1989 when it moved to Lyon.
In September 1989 the Soviet authorities expressed interest in joining the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
Likewise, in 2009, President Barack Obama granted certain benefits found in the International Organizations Immunities Act to International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).
INTERPOL-U.S. National Central Bureau (International Criminal Police Organization)
The annual General Assembly of Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, starts on Tuesday in Lyons, where Interpol moved its headquarters from its Paris base.
Mireille Ballestrazzi is a French law enforcement officer and the current President of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
It is Austria's national central bureau for the European Police Office (Europol), Schengen Information System and International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).
China is a member of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), and has been a member of the INCB since 1984.
National Central Bureau, official abbreviation for the national organisation units of the International Criminal Police Organization INTERPOL, maintained by each member country [1].
The Royal Oman Police joined the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) in 1972, and the Arab Organization for Social Defense Against Crime in the same year.
Last year, American authorities put the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) on alert for Mr. Pavon, and a bulletin was transmitted to the 176 member nations, an Interpol spokesman said.
Miss Bono Parrino said in an interview that the Government had enlisted Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, to press the Getty museum to explain how it had acquired the statue.
At one point, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) contacted Jacobson to warn him to flee the country because the Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cambodian mafia had hits taken out on his life.
At their headquarters in Paris, scientifically equipped to match the speed of the jet age, sixty-three nations have linked together to form the International Criminal Police Organisation, INTERPOL!"
The laboratory has assisted the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and foreign agencies concerned with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITIES).
He said he had asked Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, to disseminate the 12 names to law-enforcement agencies around the world, so they would know that the United States was "seeking these individuals for trial in our courts."
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