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It remains unclear how the authorities are planning to "Islamicize" their content.
"They want to Islamicize the state and society.
The government's difficulties were compounded by separate developments relating to its pledge to Islamicize the economy.
Aghdashloo had to adjust himself to the new strict rules imposed by the government to control and Islamicize arts and culture.
But he and his party do not promise to Islamicize Turkey - they have, to the contrary, vigorously played down the party's Islamic roots.
An attempt to occupy Europe, Asia and Africa, and then Islamicize them.
He was twice nominated as a member of the Islamic Ideology Council, where he worked hard to Islamicize the existing laws.
Muslim authorities have sought to appropriate and Islamicize the Temple Mount for exclusive Muslim use.
And even as he has sought to Europeanize Turkey's political structures, he has lost few opportunities to Islamicize its social ones.
Moreover, efforts to Islamicize the state comes at a time when conflict in the Middle East has further politicized Muslim movements in Malaysia.
Before he was overthrown, 70% of Egyptians told pollsters they worried the Muslim Brotherhood was trying to "Islamicize" the country against their will.
Tuení believed that Hezbollah's evolution is cosmetic, concealing a sinister long-term strategy to Islamicize Lebanon and lead it into a ruinous war with Israel.
One response to the invasion of Western science, said the scientists, has been an effort to "Islamicize" science by portraying the Koran as a source of scientific knowledge.
As a young Islamic radical, Anwar Ibrahim used to ask: How does one Islamicize government? Now he has to figure out how one governs it.
A statement from prosecutors said the suspects' aim was "to Islamicize and radicalize Muslims and non-Muslims -- particularly Germans who have converted to Islam."
Pledges by NTC chairman Mustafa Abdul-Jalil to Islamicize Libyan laws have also raised concerns in the West.
The reasons can be traced back to the 1980s, when another military dictator, Gen. Zia ul-Haq, launched a broad campaign to Islamicize Pakistani society and the armed forces in particular.
Reports by other human rights organizations also spoke of government efforts to "Islamicize" the Nuba, and of widespread killings and "disappearances" by government-backed militias, in addition to looting by SPLA forces.
For more than a decade the human rights community has documented the ravages of the Sudan's self-declared jihad to Islamicize African Christians and animists in the south who dare to keep their faiths, languages and ethnic ways.
Kinga, himself a southerner, said that he had resigned in protest at the government's intention to "Islamicize" the south and also at the "persecution" of "hundreds of thousands of displaced southerners" in the region around Khartoum.
Gulen is an elderly Muslim preacher who has millions of followers in Turkey — depending on who you talk to, he is seen either as a moderate voice for tolerance or a secretive and sinister figure seeking to Islamicize the country.
What Levitt does not much discuss, however, is that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt primarily to Islamicize the societies in which it worked, and that Hamas's essential goal remains the creation of an Islamic society in Palestine.
Thus, Takfir wal-Hijra referred to Muslims who judge a society to be infidel, and see it as their duty to separate from it until such a time as they can return in strength to conquer and Islamicize it, as Muhammad did to Mecca.
The party's stated goal is to rebuild the Caliphate - the Muslim state dissolved with the fall of the Ottoman Empire - to displace corrupt dictators in the Muslim world, and to instill Islamic mores and Islamicize almost every aspect of daily life.
For example, the panchayat's decree in Meerwala Jatoi that the punishment of rape be carried out by four men echoes the aberrations in Pakistani law introduced by Gen. Zia ul-Haq, whose military rule lasted from 1977 to 1988, in his attempts to Islamicize the country.
The price of peace, however, would be government agreement to further 'Islamicise' Pakistan, he added.
At least 3 million Sudanese are dead as the government attempts to Islamicise the nation.
"If we were to Islamicise our society we can avert the bloodshed which in any case is coming," he said.
It has controlled the university since the late 1970s when Zia-ul-Haq, the dictator, began to Islamicise state institutions.
Christianity, the religion of most East Timorese and a focus for opposition to the invasion, is being suppressed in an effort to 'Islamicise' the island.
The hype did not last for long as with Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq's regime came drastic decisions to Islamicise the nation.
In the UK we see potential businesses (banks) we could acquire and Islamicise as appropriate,' he told Reuters.
Secularists suspect Erdogan and his party of trying to Islamicise the state by stealth; filling the bureaucracy and judiciary with supporters.
- The group's objective is to Islamicise South Asia and to end Indian rule of Muslims in Kashmir.
* Turabi supported former President Jaafar Nimeiri in his 1983 drive to Islamicise Sudan.
Following Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq's military coup, he began to Islamicise the country and one of the first victims of this socio-political change included the film industry.
One of the IFE's secondary objectives, as a Sunday Telegraph investigation last year established, is to "Islamicise" its area.
- The group's objective is to Islamicise South Asia with its main aim being to free Muslims in India administered Kashmir.
A statement from the prosecutor's office said the suspects aimed "to Islamicise and radicalize Muslims and non-Muslims - particularly Germans who have converted to Islam".
The Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 - formed by Hassan al-Banna to Islamicise society through a combination of religion, political activism and social welfare.
They say they are fighting for Sharia law but no, they are forcing it onto other people - they want to Islamicise the north and then the whole of the country.
Orthodox priests fight each other over Christ's tomb; Israeli settlers claim that the Koran is not "a valid document" and local Muslims fully intend to "Islamicise" the world.
A senior State Department official quoted one SNC leader as telling Clinton: "It is the regime that is trying to militarise, sectarianise and Islamicise our revolution for dignity."
During the military rule of General Zia-ul-Haq, the Advisory Council of Islamic Ideology (headed by Justice Tanzilur Rahman) was tasked with finding ways to Islamicise the country.
But Uncle Sam is also a buffoon: completely blind to his own outrageous double standards and the utter ridiculousness of his agenda to Islamicise everything, fully expecting Australians to be delighted by the idea.
We also plan to Islamicise the 69 branches of Egypt's National Bank for Development and rebrand it as Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank by the first quarter of 2010,' Mahmoud said.
"Now, I'm not saying we are going to Islamicise Britain but I am saying that Britain has a unique chance to adopt all sorts of cultures for the benefit of the islanders who live there."
According to former law Minister Zaid Ibrahim, Anwar is an Islamist who "helped Islamicise the whole government system" and played a major role in the Islamicisation of the education system when he was Education Minister in the 1980s.
Pakistan's laws became particularly severe between 1980 and 1986, when a number of clauses were added to the laws by the military government of General Zia-ul Haq, to "Islamicise" the laws and deny the Muslim character of the Ahmadi minority.
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