Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
However, there is a kiss and ride area where people can be dropped from cars.
The south parking lot has a kiss and ride loop.
It includes a kiss and ride passenger drop off area.
Kiss and Ride Program- some concern for how this works.
Idea to have visible lines present on Kiss and Ride line.
This is no different than the Kiss and Ride line at preschool.
I had a great year at Kiss and Ride.
A "Kiss and Ride" area will be included in the parking lot near the station building.
There is a kiss and ride and taxi zone on the east side of the station.
Concerns expressed re: the delay in the Kiss and Ride lane.
Committee to look at extending Kiss and Ride lane this is in place..
Work is being completed on a "kiss and ride" section of the transportation center, a dropoff point for commuters using the station.
There is a sign pointing to the short-term parking area, which has the romantic title Kiss and Ride.
Buses use the upper level, while access from the mall is on lower ground, where a taxi stand and kiss and ride are located.
These stations also have designated kiss and ride passenger drop-off areas close to the stations' entrances.
Bike shelters, a bus loop and a "Kiss and Ride" area will be included.
In late 2014, a kiss and ride dropoff lane was build on the north side of the station off Rustcraft Road.
The station features a 6 bay bus terminal and a "Kiss and Ride" facility at ground level.
They also are useful as a fixed meeting place for those carsharing or carpooling or using kiss and ride (see below).
Dawn suggested a "Kiss and Ride" program with double queuing assisted by parent volunteers.
Gone are what transportation officials call the "kiss and ride" days, when wives dropped husbands off at the station and picked them up at night.
The new station calls for 300 permanent parking spaces, kiss and ride spaces, and a bus loop.
Discussion took place regarding the two crosswalks that must be crossed by cars when exiting the Kiss and Ride lane.
The station is popular with passengers who kiss and ride, due to its proximity to Interstate 280, a major commuter route into San Francisco.
Also in Italy the new Bologna Centrale railway station uses the "kiss and ride" signs.
The K&R specialist does not negotiate for the shipping company.
To professional programmers, the book is known simply as "K&R."
But certain travelers may have more cause for concern than others, according to underwriters and agents who sell K&R.
If your C programs follow K&R conventions, then use cc.
It is modifiable to make the K&R version.
Stroustrup extends K&R style for classes, writing them as follows:
That was exactly what Mom had found in the safe-deposit box: a K&R insurance policy issued to my father.
The style borrows some elements from K&R, below.
The K&R style is commonly used in C.
Prints prototypes for all K&R C functions defined in this module.
One of the classic instances was in the First Edition of K&R.
Treat yourself to a mini-Naylor or one of the many kits which K&R offer - you won't be disappointed.
We have a number of clients around the world for whom we have arranged K&R Insurance.
The version of C that it describes is commonly referred to as K&R C.
Bangs said his company writes thousands of K&R policies a year, including "a lot of coverage for high-profile entertainers and sports figures."
The main difference from the K&R style is that the braces are not omitted for a control statement with only a single statement in its scope.
This book, known to C programmers as "K&R", served for many years as an informal specification of the language.
Need K&R Insurance?
Personally, I loathe and detest K&R style indentation.
ANSI affirms (as did K&R) that comments are replaced with white space.
I tried to switch from K&R to ANSI style, including prototyping.
Is K&R Coverage a Risky Business?
If your coding environment (i.e. local custom or company policy) does not suggest a style, and you don't feel like inventing your own, just copy K&R.
A: Structs in C can certainly contain pointers to themselves; the discussion and example in section 6.5 of K&R make this clear.
Bangs manages Chubb's K&R division.