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After a love affair with a Kampuchean medical student, she became pregnant and had a daughter.
The Kampuchean movement was the weakest of the three.
Its constitution defined it as a "State of the people, workers, peasants, and all other Kampuchean labourers"
However, behind the scenes, Kampuchean leaders continued to fear what they perceived as Vietnamese expansionism.
In the early days of the Vietnamese occupation, the Kampuchean resistance groups had limited contact with each other due to their differences.
The defeats prompted much of the Kampuchean leadership to evacuate towards the western region of the country.
And Kampuchean cigars, the brand he liked, and salt herring and biscuits to go with them all.
Despite enjoying generous support from China, the Kampuchean military could not withstand the Vietnamese offensive and suffered heavy casualties.
It envisaged the disarming of all the Kampuchean factions and the creation of a neutral interim administration to organise free elections.
"It is our view that favorable opportunities now exist for making progress in the Kampuchean settlement," Mr. Belonogov said.
When the Khmer Rouge regime was removed from power in January 1979, the Kampuchean people hoped that peace and liberty would return to their country.
Furthermore, it was reported that final decisions made by a Kampuchean minister had to receive final approval from the Vietnamese adviser, who usually dictated policies.
At the time, the Vietnamese leadership hoped this situation would change, but privately they understood that the Kampuchean situation was different from the Lao situation.
Kampuchean refugees 'between the tiger and the crocodile' : international law and the overall scope of one refugee situation (1988)
Vietnamese forces quickly counter-attacked, regaining their territory and invading the Kampuchean island of Koh Wai.
Imagine the smiles if Mr Gorbachev and Mr Deng can shake on a Kampuchean deal.
On 27 January 1978, Vietnam started calling on the Kampuchean military along the border regions to overthrow the Khmer Rouge regime.
Nine days later, on 10 May 1975, the Kampuchean military continued its incursion by capturing Tho Chu, where it executed 500 Vietnamese civilians.
Hanoi claimed that KUFNS was an independent Kampuchean communist movement, with members drawn from all walks of life.
Other Kampuchean names possibly include kting sipuoh ('snake-eating cattle') and khting pôs.
As Kampuchean forces soon resumed their attacks across the border, the Vietnamese launched another limited counter-attack in June, forcing the Kampucheans to retreat.
Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach urged all parties involved to separate Kampuchean problems into internal and external aspects.
When Kampuchean radio announced Pol Pot's resignation, Lê Duẩn and the Vietnamese leadership took it seriously.
Again, the Vietnamese pushed the Kampuchean forces back into the provincial cities of Suong and Prey Veng and then pulled out.
Nonetheless, the KPNLF continued to operate in small groups, harassing the Vietnamese and their Kampuchean allies using guerrilla tactics.