Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The Kiowas stood up and drug the dead boy away.
The Kiowa women took care of the camp while the men were away.
At school the couple wrote each other letters in Kiowa.
Sometimes the Kiowas went with him, other days they sat around their camp doing nothing.
Most of the hunting was done by men in Kiowa society.
Of you wanted to know anything about the Kiowas systems, it's in this section.
The Kiowas are considered in a good price range for foreign countries with limited resources.
The Kiowas were all looking at her as they drank.
However, up to six more Kiowas may become available for purchase.
Sometimes, in the Kiowa camp, he had two turns, or even three.
The harvest in the Kiowa area is about 85 percent finished.
Often with the Kiowas she felt a deep fright come over her.
Two days later, the Kiowa cabin scored a perfect 15.
It was a good luck charm among the Kiowa people.
What should have been realized was that just six months before, a Kiowa crashed under very similar conditions.
One of the Kiowas understood the talk and was angered.
Kiowa County demonstrates the population decline and its associated effects.
The Kiowa helicopters roared in before the ground force was ready.
His forward line of Kiowa scout helicopters was now watching it.
He documented the time in transition to who the Kiowa were becoming.
He had lost his family to a war party of Kiowas, out Texas way.
The unit is expecting nearly 120 aircraft total, including Kiowas.
A broken line of Kiowas stretched out for two hundred yards.