Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In the workplace and, if you are lucky, by labour inspectorates.
Questions also need to be asked with regard to whether the Swedish labour inspectorate took any action.
The other service that should be strengthened throughout Europe in order to promote dignified working conditions is the labour inspectorate.
Labour inspectorates will be able to deal with unregistered labour, which is the scourge of legitimate employment.
Because of limitations by the Dutch Labour Inspectorate, the baby wasn't allowed to be shown for extended periods.
Employment disputes can be referred to the Labour Inspectorate and Mediation Service.
The Slovene Labour Inspectorate has not noticed any irregularities.
Workers eventually returned to work on Monday 16 June, having accepted as satisfactory a Department of Labour Inspectorate report at a meeting over the weekend.
At the same time, I would like to reiterate the very inadequate human resources that labour inspectorates have at their disposal in many of our Member States.
In some countries, medical inspections carried out by the labour inspectorate play an essential role in ensuring that laws and regulations governing workers' health surveillance are properly applied.
Labour Inspectorates (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947 is an International Labour Organization Convention.
Finally, could you indicate what statistics you have with regard to the number of posted workers and labour inspectorates in the various Member States and the effectiveness of those inspectors?
Without real involvement from the Member States, and without additional human and material resources, which includes enlarging the labour inspectorate, I fear that these provisions will once again go unheeded.
Enforcement is also problematic in cases where Member States have all of the means available, for instance through labour law and the existence of labour inspectorates, despite which human trafficking still occurs.
We believe that there is a need to apply existing labour law and to network the information from labour inspectorates to bring it within the sphere of police intelligence so that we can stop or disrupt trafficking.
The Recommendation also proposes the creation of a High-Level Committee that should directly involve the social partners, who are closest to the problems on the ground, and lay the basis for closer cooperation between labour inspectorates.
For improvement of labour conditions to be sustainable, good labour laws and enforcement, a well-functioning labour inspectorate, strong worker representation (labour NGOs, trade unions) and constructive local, national and international cooperation are essential.
Databases from employment record books can be used by the authorized officials of the Ministry of Labour, the Labour Inspectorate and administrative units, when it comes to enforcement of statutory duties and sues.
It is precisely because of the control procedures in this respect, and because they are so complex, that rules are needed in order to create scope for monitoring, better scope for labour inspectorates to collaborate, which means that this balance is needed.
In social policy, the Bérégovoy government introduced free health care for recipients of RMI and in November 1992 a law was passed that inserted a (arguably narrow) definition of sexual harassment into the labour code and empowered the labour inspectorate and workplace committees to enforce it.
The Commission also agrees with Parliament on the need to develop additional legislative instruments to facilitate implementation, as well as labour inspectorates armed with structures, resources and deterrent powers in order to help change attitudes, as such a change is necessary for the proper and equal enforcement of legislation in the Union.