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So lowe it to Germany to correct this problem.
If the ice is held underneath the water level, melting it will actually lowe the water level.
My Lordes grace will bryng down thys hye Springe and brynge it so lowe it shal not ever flow."
CHORUS Did they beat the drum slowly did they play the fife lowly, did they sound the death march as they lowe...
Thay la3ed, and made hem blythe Wyth lote3 that were to lowe; To soper thay 3ede as-swythe, Wyth dayntes nwe innowe.
I cannot weliewe that Eart'h, Eart'h that we lowe, will really condone, let alone assist, the deswoliation and wereawement uw harmless weings in their homes.... Eart'h has an owligation to those it has imwowerished?
This simile is well translated by Chaucer-- But right as floures through the cold of night Iclosed, stoupen in her stalkes lowe, Redressen hem agen the sunne bright, And speden in her kinde course by rowe, &c. Troilus and Creseide, b.ii.