Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The climate system has jumped from one mode of operation to another in the past.
Increased bargaining power allowed the companies to change their mode of operation.
In this environment the so-called real time mode of operation is essential.
At the time, this was an unfamiliar mode of operation in Japan.
The only way to prevent repetition was to change my own mode of operation.
The Church felt secure again and sought to return to traditional modes of operation.
Despite the technology, the basic mode of operation remained essentially the same as with the 056.
In other words, Congress established a new mode of operation, so that everybody could live with it and profit.
Kevin had also explained to her the day before that there were two modes of operation.
However, this mode of operation seems to have been discontinued in recent years.
Tubes designed specifically for this mode of operation were made.
It has three modes of operation controlled by its pins 1 and 19.
If the task is too artificial, the system may be pushed away from a natural mode of operation.
Their varieties, structures and modes of operation have become well known in the past several decades.
The coincidence held for the several minutes it took him to reach the lock and figure out its mode of operation.
"The mode of operation is quite simple," the Karg told us.
Since we are posed with a mystery, I have returned to that mode of operation for the moment.
It can also refer to a mode of operation by application software.
This mode of operation typically results in significantly increased sensitivity.
The artificial intelligence has two modes of operation: basic and advanced.
The ship will now be returning to its normal mode of operation."
Also very important, if at all possible, is to have some idea of a teacher's normal mode of operation.
All systems also support a limited mode of operation called Basic Test.
Nothing came of it until about 100 years later, when this mode of operation became common practice the world over.
It features a 12x zoom lens and several modes of operation.
I want you two to work out a modus operandi.
I want to say something general about the modus operandi itself.
So then I had to figure out the modus operandi.
You feel that we need a new modus operandi here.
This sort of modus operandi has been used in the past.
Soon there is another murder, with the same modus operandi.
I shall stand by your modus operandi, no matter what.
By then, the family understood my modus operandi and gave up on me.
That's been their modus operandi since our first contact with them.
The flower's entire modus operandi seems to be how to get something for nothing.
I needed to feel everything about the killers, their modus operandi.
However, Europe is at a turning point if it does not find a new modus operandi.
But the modus operandi seemed similar to the bombing on Thursday.
This was, then, the natural modus operandi of the masses.
But such was not the modus operandi of the Robin's murder.
This does not seem to me to be the best legislative modus operandi.
Then, we realize the movie has slammed into its modus operandi.
Not unless he changes his modus operandi in fundamental ways.
Getting to know artists is the key to Logan's modus operandi.
"I think we have found a reasonable modus operandi," he said of relations with the American military.
They sat and tried to visualize the modus operandi of the house.
He promised that the Council' s modus operandi would change in future.
This used to be Woodward's modus operandi, too, in his better days.
Each of the Networks has its own modus operandi and objectives.
We had a similar experience there two years ago - with the modus operandi somewhat different and I believe more interesting.
Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Please return it at once, or when sending the postal order.
That's the easy part Send in a postal order and ask for the money to be placed against my account.
A sales list is available to sell and buy postal orders.
South Africa began issuing its own postal orders some time during 1933.
In 1986-87, an entirely new series of postal orders was issued.
You can pay by cheque, postal order or electronic means.
Any uncrossed postal order which does not state to whom it is to be paid.
Send her a postal order two shillings, half a crown.
You should print your name and address on the back of the cheque or postal order.
British postal orders are issued in the local post offices.
Postal orders have been issued by Cyprus at various times.
Postal orders issued in this period are sought after by collectors.
The money prisoners received from outside was generally in the form of a postal order for two shillings.
These postal orders are classified in a sub-group of their own.
It is not known when postal orders began to be issued in Brunei.
It is not yet known when these were exhausted and replaced by the postal orders of Zimbabwe.
It was ordered by letter, and a postal order was enclosed.
It is a postal order company for babies.
We will accept a banker's draft, postal order or cheque.
If you paid by postal order, take the counterfoils to the post office for a refund.
The boy, according to the letter, has been expelled for stealing a five-shilling postal order.
There are still a number of countries that are issuing British postal orders.
Postal orders have been issued in Bangladesh since 1971.
His research unearthed the original five-shilling postal order which caused the problem.
Cash, postal orders and documents worth more eight thousand pounds were stolen.
"Is this the only window where I can get a money order?"
The man tried to get Dad to pay by check or money order.
"We'll be able to send my father another money order before long."
The money order has been significantly changed only nine times since 1864.
Not sure of the current fee however it must be sent by money order.
He would insist on being paid by money order or check.
However, just because a particular business can issue a money order does not necessarily mean that they will cash them.
Visitors can pay in cash, by check or money order.
The law now requires Federal taxes to be paid by check or money order.
All take money orders, and some will even accept personal checks.
The Kentucky veteran said his wife sent him a money order so he could leave.
I'll give you a money order since I don't have a bank account here.
Such stores may also offer money order and wire transfer services.
The telegram money order, three pounds, is from her son.
But he did send it every month, money order, right on the dot, I'll give him that.
We've already returned the money order with a letter telling them to go through you."
He said, I'll send you a telegraph money order at once for ten pounds.
In addition to his legal career he forged money orders for almost 30 years.
At last she voided the money order and wrote a letter to her mother.
She then paid an additional 59 cents for each money order to pay her rent or phone bill.
And the money orders would start to come in.
"I am to make out these money orders without any security from three gentlemen who are unknown to me?"
Orders are accepted only when accompanied by a check or money order.
Please include a check or money order with your order form.
International money orders are required to get tickets by fax.
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