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These antenna are often built into a single tower structure called a master antenna television structure.
The ruling involves what is known as "satellite master antenna television," a form of distributing cable television programming now used in many large apartment buildings.
That stands for satellite master antenna television, a means of delivering television programs that many New York apartment buildings have used for years.
Several small satellite master antenna television (SMATV) systems and the Delhi Township cable system carried the small, independent station.
SMATV is Single Master Antenna Television, a type of headend that can be used for hotels, motels, dormitories, hospitals and commercial properties with multiple tenants.
Collective dishes, shared by several dwellings: satellite master antenna television (SMATV) or communal antenna broadcast distribution (CABD).
It is engaged in operation of Internet services centers and provision of system management services, and the design and installation of Satellite Master Antenna Television/Communal Aerial Broadcast Distribution and security surveillance system.