Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Mail delivery by animals has been used in many countries throughout history.
And for the first few days they had no bus service or mail delivery.
Since yesterday was Sunday, there would have been no mail delivery.
"I'm writing a book on the human side of mail delivery."
If past behavior held, he was using mail delivery as an excuse to talk to her.
Mail delivery, even to businesses, is now once rather than twice a day.
No one will want to wait for mail delivery of a new car battery.
When it comes to mail delivery, almost everything seems to be classified information.
Paper tickets will require at least 10 days for mail delivery.
But officials note that none of these problems have affected mail delivery.
This marked the first air mail delivery between the two cities.
In this capacity, he was again asked to address the question of Sunday mail delivery.
The mail delivery would not reach the station till late afternoon.
As yet, the company has no direct competitors in basic mail delivery.
"Remember, in those days we even had mail deliveries on Saturday," he said.
Great Notch did not receive mail delivery until the mid-1950s.
They say in areas where there is only one mail delivery a day, letters could be delayed by 24 hours.
Due to security reasons, there is a one to two week delay in mail delivery to our office.
It was decades ago when they moved in and got by without garbage collection or mail delivery.
Mail delivery was one of the best times of the day.
The German company is continuing to expand outside mail delivery.
In 1882 houses were numbered for the first time, and free mail delivery started the next year.
This has often been done with electricity, water, telecommunications, and mail delivery.
All but emergency government services, including mail deliveries, were suspended.
The post office suspended mail delivery to sections of the city.