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Mr Justice Smith will also have other important issues to decide.
Mr Justice Smith is expected to make a statement to court this morning.
All of these except Mr Justice are used in direct address and without the name.
The title Mr Justice is not used in direct address.
Mr Justice Stephen said, the case resolved itself into the questions.
Mr Justice Sweeney said he'd never seen such a situation in his career.
Mr Justice Mann suggested that some “looked a bit more cross” than others.
Mr Justice Smith then found himself due to try a case that involved a partner with the firm.
Mr Justice Baker said the case raised 'very important issues of principle'.
Mr Justice Williams agreed that the case raised serious arguments.
Mr Justice Charles has decided otherwise and the case will now be heard in the courts.
Mr Justice Field told jurors they would later be shown pictures of her face and body.
Mr Justice Sweeney said he would give his ruling today.
Mr Justice Gross told the jury they could only try the case based on evidence heard during the trial.
Mr Justice Moor said that would amount to a "ridiculous situation."
Mr Justice Abbott spoke to the jury for a long time.
Mr Justice Gray concluded that this was a double standard.
Mr Justice Sweeney will give his ruling in the case next week.
Mr Justice Drake instructed them to try for a majority 10-2.
But now many companies are finding that they lost their connection with important business functions, says Mr Justice.
Mr Justice Burton decided the hearing should remain behind closed doors.
Mr Justice Wilkie is expected to sentence the men next week.
Mr Justice Williams also asked the prosecution whether there would be statements from the victims’ families.
Mr Justice Davis said the jury might find the interviews revealing.
Mr Justice Singer was a barrister for 25 years before joining the bench.
Mrs Justice Sharp described the murder as "all about the money."
He previously described Mrs Justice Proudman’s decision as “simply wrong”.
The hearing, expected to last half a day, is being heard by Mrs Justice Cox.
Mrs Justice Swift reserved judgement and did not say when she would give her ruling.
Last week, Mrs Justice Parker ruled the boy did not have the right to life “in all circumstances”.
Mrs Justice Baron said the couple mixed in the "highest echelons".
Mrs Justice Lang gave details about the two women who mounted the legal challenge but did not identify them.
"The evidence showed you manipulated him," Mrs Justice Cox said.
But Mrs Justice Swift ruled that the case could go ahead to a full trial.
Mrs Justice Macur told those attending the first meeting it was very much a "listening exercise."
Mrs Justice Booth had formed the judgement that satanic abuse was involved.
Mrs Justice Sharp will sentence the defendants on Monday at 10am.
Mrs Justice Appelby's blood was no doubt frozen already.
Mrs Justice Lang indicated that she would reserve judgment.
Mrs Justice Lang said, although she did not think an appeal would succeed, there were "compelling reasons" to allow one to go ahead.
Mrs Justice Eleanor King heard at a recent hearing that another child could cause the man "psychological harm."
But Mrs Justice Lang said the application was flawed.
Mrs Justice Thirwall said: 'This is a unique sentencing exercise.
Mrs Justice Asplin criticised both parties for their sometimes evasive evidence and attitude in court.
Mrs Justice Thirlwall began summing up the evidence in the case on Monday.
Mrs Justice Baron, who said neither the man or woman could be identified, outlined details of the divorce fight in a written ruling.
Mrs Justice Baron found her aspirations were “not outlandish or avaricious”, but simply a result of her “expectations from birth”.
Mrs Justice Baron said the man became involved with another woman, his wife rented an apartment in London and the marriage ended.
Sentencing by Mrs Justice Cox was scheduled for 12 January 2015.
A further five charges were dismissed by Mrs Justice Dobbs because the jury could not reach a decision.