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With what has happened should we even call ourselves muslims.
The two men, who've been waiting up to a year for treatment, are both muslims.
During the Pakistan movement, he became involved with it like many other muslim young men of the time.
No, this does not mean muslims on mass will ever turn to terror.
But there are a large number of moderate muslims working against these extreme groups.
The muslims we are considering had not yet reached this stage.
Its easy to insult a muslim as they are not too sure about their belief or themselves.
What makes you think that we don't know muslims.
So why have christian, muslim and jewish schools at public expense.
Just by saying 'Ah, great, more special pleading from muslims.
Few urdu speaking people also been there and most of them are muslims.
Also there are two mosque present for muslims to offer their 5 times prayer.
Military intervention is rarely forgotten in the muslim or arab world.
Just stop being a muslim, whatever that is, its certainly ísn't real.
It has to close months after saving us from muslim only loos?
This region is predominantly Hindu with small population of muslims.
The city was burned, 470 muslims were killed and 1,464 captured as prisoners.
A muslim may wish for himself a blessing like that which someone else has, without wanting it to be taken away from the other person.
Do you really believe muslims emigrate to vote democrat or republican?
I wish people in this country would stop their childish obsession with what muslims are up to.
The city's population is religiously diverse among muslims and christians.
Friggin' fake muslims coming over here and destroying our world.
In 2001, 82% of the Arab population was made up of muslim, a number that is only growing.
Thus a great deal of respect is paid by the muslims to the Sayyids throughout society.
The other day I went to an area with 300,000 muslims surrounded by Serbs.