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The National Graphical Association immediately suspended mass picketing.
In 1964, it merged with the Typographical Association to form the National Graphical Association.
The National Graphical Association (NGA) was a British trade union.
In response, the National Graphical Association (NGA) began mass picketing of the Messengers offices.
He first became a full-time union official in the National Graphical Association and became general secretary in 1984, leading the union through the Wapping dispute.
In Express and Star v. National Graphical Association, the plaintiff newspapers obtained an interim injunction requiring the union to withdraw a direction to their members to take industrial action.
Henceforth unions could be fined very heavily for conducting what were deemed to be unlawful strikes: several of them were to suffer accordingly, starting with the National Graphical Association.
I bypassed the bar, which was slowly filling with shuffling students, and read a Letrasetted sign: Union Print Room - Affiliated to National Graphical Association (Pending).
The Dimbleby newspapers had been printed by an associated company, Dimbleby Printers Ltd, which became engaged in a closed shop dispute with the National Graphical Association.
Later, she began working in the publishing industry, and eventually became Mother of the Chapel for the print union, the National Graphical Association, where she gained notoriety for a campaign for equal pay for women.
The first indication of this change occurred in 1983 during the closed-shop dispute between the National Graphical Association (NGA) and the Messenger Group of Newspapers, owned by Mr Eddie Shah.
The National Graphical Association, the printers' union, decided how many people were needed on each paper (hundreds and hundreds) and how many were to be laid off during a recession (none), and billed the management accordingly.
Bob Redman and Peter Stanborough, both members of printing union the National Graphical Association, were to ask for reinstatement at an industrial tribunal in Reading this morning after being sacked for refusing to sign new contracts.
The National Graphical Association incurred four contempt fines totalling £675,000 and eventual sequestration of its funds before it called off its illegal picketing (under the 1980 Act) against Mr Eddie Shah's publishing company in 1983.
On NoS they were being treated to the miracle of new technology, bypassing the National Graphical Association compositors who, before the age of 'direct entry' computers, retyped the articles on Linotype hot metal machines after the subs had marked them up in pencil.
The GMPU was formed from the merger of SOGAT and the National Graphical Association and claimed to be the world's largest media union, having over 200,000 members working in the print, publishing, paper, IT and media industries.
In 1992, SOGAT '82 merged with the National Graphical Association to form the Graphical, Paper and Media Union, which subsequently merged with Amicus to become that union's Graphical, Paper and Media industrial sector.
Thus, in December 1983 it was made very clear that other unions would not encourage the small National Graphical Association when it defied the law over Eddie Shah's nonunion printing operations in Warrington and insisted on conducting a strike deemed by the high court to be illegal.
Linh Nga began her career on stage at the very early age.
NGA measures the rate of students who graduate in four years.
In 2006, Nga decided to go abroad for her dream of study for film making.
But this is a neighborhood of survivors, Nga Nguyen said.
It was also established more than a century before the NGA.
NGA serves as a key public policy liaison between the state governments and the federal government.
As a child, Linh Nga had a very difficult and unstable home life.
It is that of Chang Nga, a beautiful young woman who lives there forever, completely alone.
NGA was founded in 1921 as an art section of the State museum.
"NGA will enable us to access some of those people who we could not reach without it," she adds.
However, there was no more any official news about the recent marriage of Linh Nga.
In the year 1999 the NGA had been recognized as an official party.
The NGA were all but shut out by the mainstream media during the general election.
The NGA promotes the work of governors at the national level.
This had help start a career with Thuy Nga that lasted over a decade.
Only 57 of them are currently (2006) available for download from NGA.
Thuy Nga has successfully introduce her to the audience.
The NGA was founded in 1948, and currently has close to 3,000 member companies.
NGA no longer hosts any aeronautical information on the publicly available website.
"NGA will enable us to engage with customers much more fundamentally.
It was Linh Nga who decided to walk away from it all.
Many people confused the two of dancers who both use the professional name Linh Nga.
In the courtroom, he found the NGA lawyer who had her case, and we spoke briefly.
Russian art is representative in the collection of NGA.
The NGA describes the work as a "majestic group portrait".
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