Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
What would be the optimum size of the human population?
We hope an optimum solution will be found as a result.
You have to find the optimum balance, to put it one way.
However, it remains to be seen whether or not control is at an optimum level.
Six people were really the optimum number to have aboard.
And it has still not found an optimum business mix.
The optimum time for the course was 9 minutes, 46 seconds.
As it happened, he asked the question under optimum circumstances.
As a result the play has been taking in 61 percent of its optimum gross.
"In the optimum case, it will take out one year or two years" from a drug's development time.
The result is a house that makes optimum use of light and views.
As expected, he was taking on fuel at the optimum rate.
Instead, that is the optimum time to cut your losses.
Weather conditions were optimum, and such things have happened before.
There must be a determination to make optimum use of the information technology now available.
This rule will allow us to work out the optimum plan for the group.
For optimum clarity at night, the eyes also need to be large.
An optimum fire frequency for growth is every 3 to 10 years.
For example, what is the optimum size of the video classroom?
Until now, about 350 rooms was considered the optimum size.
In another day or so it would get to the optimum eighteen.
His entire body is poised in the optimum power position.
A mouse will only live 2-3 years even under optimum conditions.
In this situation, the optimum strategy may be difficult to determine.
Suppliers take a different approach to the optimum cost price.