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Lieberman was also a member of the Parents Music Resource Center.
The campaign mainly focused on opposition to the Parents Music Resource Center.
The band then became a target in the Parents Music Resource Center controversy.
He also explains the part that Christian fundamentalist groups played in the creation of the Parents Music Resource Center.
The movie focuses on the formation of the Parents Music Resource Center and its impact on music during 1985.
The Parents Music Resource Center protested the song due to its sexually suggestive lyrics and music video.
The song "Purgatory" has never been recorded for a studio album and is dedicated to the Parents Music Resource Center.
Barracuda is hired by the Parents Music Resource Center to assassinate Eminem, who he was childhood friends with.
This was the show at which Rage Against the Machine did not play, in protest of the Parents Music Resource Center.
The Parents Music Resource Center had labeled the song as one of its "Filthy 15", songs that the group determined to be morally objectionable.
Biafra gained attention as a champion of free speech, and was subsequently one of the most active opponents of the Parents Music Resource Center.
Due to the imagery and lyrical content, Slayer received mail from the Parents Music Resource Center telling the band to stop releasing records.
Frank Zappa - Parents Music Resource Center United States Senate Hearing 1 2 3 4.
The song is notable for being number four on Parents Music Resource Center's "Filthy Fifteen" list for the sexual nature of its lyrics.
Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC)
Its overtly raunchy and sexual lyrics have since been recognized by the Parents Music Resource Center; it is number 9 on their "Filthy Fifteen" list.
And with that, the debate moved beyond the Parents Music Resource Center, beyond vague, theoretical claims about how music can contribute to a climate of immorality.
The artwork caused a furor with the newly formed Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC).
Denver testified before the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee on the topic of censorship during a Parents Music Resource Center hearing in 1985.
The track "Startin' Up A Posse" is a tongue in cheek attack on the Parents Music Resource Center.
The Parents Music Resource Center and the National PTA have long insisted that they advocate only voluntary labeling for albums.
"Hook in Mouth" declaims censorship and the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC).
Tipper Gore forms the Parents Music Resource Center to combat misogyny in heavy metal and other undesirable traits in popular music.
In 1984, the Parents Music Resource Center was organized in the U.S. to draw attention to music which the group believed contained inappropriate content for children.
The track would come under fire for alleged backward messages and was branded by Tipper Gore's Parents Music Resource Center as "Satanistic".
This song is basically having a go at all the members of the PMRC.
Did you do that intentionally to comply with the PMRC?
Supervisors perform the audits and document the results in the PMRC.
As soon as the PMRC went public with its complaints, the media swarmed.
Snider was one of three musicians invited to testify at the PMRC hearing.
Araya comments, "Back then you had that PMRC, who literally took everything to heart."
Remember the PMRC?
Surely groups such as the PMRC ought to tackle why people feel the need to sing these songs, rather than the songs themselves.
Information from the PMRC allows supervisors to easily monitor trends and assess employee performance and safety compliance.
This one is called PMRC, which stands for Parent's Music Resource Center.
Many musicians have criticized or parodied the PMRC and Tipper Gore:
The PMRC, who're at the forefront of censoring music in America, certainly think so, in their usual over-reacting way.
Is it a coincidence that Mrs. Thurmond is affiliated with the PMRC?
The PMRC also released the Filthy Fifteen, a list of the 15 songs they found most objectionable:
The inspections were conducted in accordance with procedures and guidance documents developed by the Inspectorate for PMRC inspections.
Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC)
TAS also supports the Inspectorate’s inspection programme for PMRC because it aims to improve drug safety information reporting.
She Bop" was controversial upon release and placed at number 15 on the PMRC's "Filthy Fifteen". "
The artwork caused a furor with the newly formed Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC).
The PMRC's efforts were successful and resulted in an agreement where recording labels voluntarily placed warning labels on music with violent or sexually explicit lyrics.
(Some members of the PMRC also went on to start the East Penn Traction Club several years later.)
"Hook in Mouth" declaims censorship and the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC).
The PMRC would later include the title track of Venom's following album Possessed into their Filthy Fifteen list.
In 1990, the PMRC worked with the RIAA to standardize the label, creating the now-familiar black and white design.