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You're sick with love for him, but he'd never give a plain Jane like you a second's thought."
"Plain Jane" is how one gun collector describes the look.
A Plain Jane is a woman who has an average appearance.
Hollywood loves it when a glamorous star plays a plain Jane.
In fact, she seems to have tried even harder to appear as plain Jane as possible.
Lucien wondered how anyone would believe he had fallen in love with such a plain Jane.
I banged the table getting up; she waved to a waitress, just some plain Jane.
For people who want something sweet at the end of a meal, even plain Jane desserts like these will do the trick.
Despite its Plain Jane looks, first impressions are generally positive.
"No, because you've got it into your stubborn head that you're plain Jane, so you dress the part.
"Do you think that I suddenly woke up a plain Jane yesterday morning?"
By contrast, the house appears to be (as we park out front) a post-war plain Jane.
Plain jane no more, plastic furniture is coming in from the patio.
For now, these bonds are plain Jane things.
Some day she'd be beautiful, not a plain jane like her mother at all, for which Kathryn was grateful.
Leah was said to be more "plain Jane" than a model and was eliminated.
Plain Jane is an American reality television series that transforms one woman each week.
The first season of Plain Jane included 6 one-hour episodes.
She had wanted to score before midnight struck, as it were, when she turned back into plain Jane.
Each of the show's six episodes will transform one supposed "Plain Jane" from the inside out.
Who wants to be a plain Jane?
He wouldn't want a 50-ish plain Jane like her.
Plain Jane was making $2 million/year by 1970.