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Pliny the Elder was a great man for this kind of thing.
Pliny the Elder did not marry and had no children.
Pliny the Elder is generally given credit for the thought.
Pliny the Elder went to rescue some of the victims.
According to Pliny the Elder it was a free city.
Pliny the Elder wrote about the use of war pigs against elephants.
Several authors, including Pliny the Elder, wrote of his works.
Pliny the Elder and the gardens of the urban poor."
Pliny the Elder may have been the first to draw a link, but with a positive spin.
Pliny the Elder also wrote favourably of them in historical review.
Among his works was a 1535 commentary on the second book of Pliny the Elder.
Pliny the Elder made a journey to the islands and described many features of their economy.
References to the gem are made by Pliny the Elder.
According to Pliny the Elder they had a lifespan of only eight years.
Pliny the Elder boasted that such goods would be edible for centuries.
Pliny the Elder writes his account of the German wars.
According to Pliny the Elder, he observed a nova (new star).
Pliny the Elder points out that the metal has lost currency due to the mines being exhausted.
Pliny the Elder, however, is much better informed.
A similar definition is given by Pliny the Elder :
Pliny the Elder (23-79) praised the pearl fishery of the gulf as most productive in the world.
Pliny the Elder wrote concerning the folk-etymology of the name:
Pliny the Elder remarked that in the course of time it had become incorrect, and offered several explanations for the shift.
Pliny the Elder wrote that cranes would appoint one of their number to stand guard while they slept.
Agriculture in the region provided wheat and linen, according to Pliny the Elder.