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Red faces all round, then, when one officer looked up the name in a Polish-English dictionary.
A handy English-Polish and Polish-English dictionary is included as a separate program.
My briefcase contained a Polish-English dictionary and a handful of papers that Polkolor had sent me.
Practical Polish-English Dictionary, Hippocrene Books, 1981.
Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary, 3 volumes, New York, Hippocrene Books, 1997.
The biggest English-Polish and Polish-English dictionary available on CD-ROM as yet.
There is Marian Drozdza, a maintenance man from Poland who carries an electronic Polish-English dictionary to class in its battered Styrofoam packing shell.
After heaping more delicious pirogis on my plate, she fetched a heavy book that I thought for a moment was a Bible, but which turned out to be a Polish-English dictionary.
Before World War II, as a lecturer in English at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, Stanisławski compiled an English-Polish, Polish-English dictionary.
Stanisławski subsequently augmented this modest dictionary into what became The Great English-Polish, Polish-English Dictionary (Wielki słownik angielsko-polski, polsko-angielski) published (variously, in 2 or 4 volumes) in Poland.
It wasn’t long before Mr. Kirkham, possessed of a gregarious soul and irrepressible confidence, was on his way across the ocean, armed with a Polish-English dictionary and pictures of the car he wanted to manufacture.