He actually won the election, and became President Elect, but stepped down after being woken from his hypnotism.
President Elect, the first commercially published political simulation game, was released by Strategic Simulations.
Remember the inaugural address in the crisis of '96, when the President Elect was laid up with pneumonia?
He served as President Elect until January 2011, and is to serve as President until June 2013.
The TB is chaired by the President Elect.
President Elect: Hillary Clinton26 states and DC (324 electoral votes)
He served for one year as the President Elect.
A month earlier he had become President Elect of the Oxford Union, a field of public debating experience that has produced many an English politician.
Socks is really the pet of Chelsea, 12-year old daughter of the President Elect.
President Elect is a turn-based, political simulation game, first released by Strategic Simulations, Inc. in 1981.