Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I also have a specific interest in distance education at all levels from course design to programme implementation.
Our base case remains that programme implementation will stay on track.
There have been few studies conducted to evaluate the impact of the programme implementation by the Foundation.
The Commission is setting up the first executive agencies to take over programme implementation tasks.
The exercise will assess the implications of disaster risk from policy to programme implementation.
The Committee stressed that the planned reform must not affect the level of financial support required for programme implementation.
The organisational and legal issues surrounding the design risk are essential aspects of the programme implementation.
Clear recommendations were made to different stakeholder groups to improve programme implementation.
This is not unexpected, considering the limited amount of regular budget funds available for programme implementation.
These recommendations serve as the primary platform for advocacy and programme implementation during the year.
Many mention that programme implementation has just started and a comprehensive assessment cannot be made until the results of evaluations become available.
Because of the great variations between schools in programme implementation, results were presented as a series of case studies.
Emphasis however has been placed on evaluation throughout the Work Programme implementation.
Screening and monitoring are important aspects of programme implementation.
The effect can be damaging to programme implementation especially in regards to community involvement, capacity building and trust.
Technical programmes have been increasingly supported by extrabudgetary funds for programme implementation.
• Is the monitoring system fully operational already from the outset of the programme implementation?
• throughout the whole cycle of programme implementation (design, management, monitoring and evaluation).
She added that 'only in about half the participating countries could we identify budgets allocated to policy and programme implementation'.
Some weaknesses have been identified but these have had a minor effect on the overall programme implementation.
The Commission agrees with the Committee and will take account of this aspect in its programme implementation activities.
Programme implementation - Any observation or difficulty encountered in implementing the programme.
According to the schedule of programme implementation (with a three-year interval between the panel waves), this would be the situation three years from now.
Donors also have a long way to go in cooperating in their missions and programme implementation.
His experience includes a key user assurance role for the industry in the Pool's 1998 Programme implementation project.