Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
For the third quarter, revenue generating units, a key measure of cable subscriber growth, fell 6.7 percent to 1.4 million.
The company marked its 7th consecutive year adding more than 1 million new subscriptions, or revenue generating units (RGUs).
The following table is expressed in Revenue Generating Units or RGU's.
The leading cable MSOs added approximately 1.9 million revenue generating units during the first quarter of 2008 reflecting a 650,000 sequential improvement.
Today, Sigma manages 50 deployments for CSPs with a combined total of over 30 million managed revenue generating units worldwide.
Cable multiple system operators added approximately 1.2 million revenue generating units during the seasonally weak second quarter reflecting a 17.4% decline compared with the same period last year.
Revenue Generating Unit is separately a telephony subscriber, broadband internet subscriber, mobile subscriber or paid television subscriber.
Meanwhile the effects of aggressive marketing contributed to healthy revenue generating unit (RGUs) gains during the first quarter of 2008 among the top cable multiple system operators.
Through its award-winning cloud-based EngageIP platform LogiSense is leading the charge to revolutionize the way companies do business-converting cost centers into revenue generating units.
In Fitch's opinion, the growing scale of the RBOC's facilities-based video offering coupled with the slowing economy will manifest through slower revenue generating unit (RGU) growth.
Meanwhile, the effects of competition and a slowing economy continue to weigh on cable multiple system operators as revenue generating unit (RGUs) additions declined nearly 18% compared with the same period last year.
The company continues to expect that offering triple play will enable it to increase revenue generating units (RGUs) while only marginally increasing costs, as the same infrastructure is used to provide all three services.
Stream CEO Jan Rynkiewicz stated, "During the first nine months of 2007 we continued grow subscriber revenues and revenue generating units by increasing premium cable and Internet subscribers.
In total, the three largest cable multiple system operators (MSOs) added approximately 1.3 million revenue generating units (RGU) reflecting a 16.5% year-over-year decline relative to the third quarter of 2007.
As of June 30, 2008, Time Warner Cable served approximately 14.7 million customers who subscribed to one or more of its video, high-speed data and voice services, representing approximately 33.6 million revenue generating units.
Fitch does expect, however that revenue generating unit (RGU) growth rates will decline, as growth prospects within the company's traditional triple-play service offering diminish due to industry-leading service penetration rates and current economic conditions.
The Company increased the number of revenue generating units [RGUs] by 4.9% by aggressively marketing internet HFC services more than doubling the number of HFC RGU's.
Accordingly, we will carefully monitor TWC's performance, particularly its ability to limit basic video subscriber losses and to show some gains in revenue generating units, to ensure the propriety of the anticipated 'BBB' post-separation rating.
While the subscriber losses are a small fraction of Comcast's total customer base of 24 million or Time Warner's 14 million, more worrying for investors, analysts said, is the slowing growth in revenue generating units (RGU).
The trend that we've seen in the first, second and third quarters, with a lot of sales, a lot of revenue generating units and a lot of triple-play, will continue through the end of the year,' Pereira da Costa said.
Its copper platform provides IP-based digital video, digital voice and DSL broadband and is in the process of being upgraded to fiber in select areas to increase the number of revenue generating units available in those markets.
Fitch believes that the operating leverage derived from Comcast's growing base of revenue generating units, owing to the success of the company's triple play service offering, positions the company to generate material amounts of free cash flow during Fitch's rating horizon.
As a result, despite the recent modest basic subscriber losses, Comcast's 24 million video customers continue to post good growth in revenue generating units (RGUs), bolstered by gains in the company's telephone service and increases in digital and high speed data customers.
The Canadian operations are well supported by Cogeco Cable's competitive position and clustered cable systems, which leverages the Triple Play bundling strategy that resulted in strong revenue generating unit (RGU) growth for fiscal year 2007, driven by its telephony offering.
It is very similar to the defensive RGO hand grenade.
Apart from the first, it was on some field of current astronomical research having particular relevance for RGO workers.
A number of facilities are shared between the Institute and the RGO.
To those who worked there and their colleagues in the astronomical community around the globe, it became known simply as the RGO'.
He participated in several RGO expeditions as the painter.
At first, almost all the students were indeed young members of the RGO staff working part-time for one of these degrees.
After a while, in practice this operated largely from RGO to the Cape.
To bolster appearances, the RGO counted only admissions, not those who dropped out.
First draft of complete application due at RGO.
It is now re-erected to the east of the RGO's new building in Cambridge.
Please provide 2 complete copies to RGO.
Each entry will give the RGO's folio number, spouse's surname and year of marriage.
Hunter from RGO was there for six months to take second-epoch proper-motion plates of these stars.
The RGO enables users to define searches by collection title, subject, index term and medium.
Even though this is just a prototype, the system already offers higher throughput at a resolution of 10,000 than the RGO spectrograph.
In some summers there were two such six-week courses, which were then something of a strain upon the RGO staff.
Note that slightly different parameters are used for the RGO at the telescope, but the differences are within the estimate error.
At that stage there was no suggestion of any link between the new university and RGO, nor even of its 'finding a place for astronomy'.
Proceedings of the RGO.
Officers are also keen to hear from anyone who has seen the car, registration CV05 RGO, since it was stolen.
As of 1930, the RGO was promoted as a "red class trade union" and several cross-over campaigns were initiated, but never to great success.
This turned the RGO into a communist front organization, but it was unable to convert itself into a communist union movement.
Table 2.10 shows popular windows for each CCD when observing with the RGO.
Figure 1.1 Schematic diagram of the RGO Spectrograph, as viewed from beneath.
Once again vignetting stops the whole chip from being used, with only about 3500 pixels being illuminated by the RGO.
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