Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A rating scale from 1 to 10 is used for each mood change per hour.
John, given the same rating scale, also picks a 6.
She is a "10" on the old beauty rating scale.
Use an odd number in your rating scale to make data analysis easier.
Other people who know the child, such as day care workers or relatives, can complete some of these rating scales also.
"Anyone who knows about this rating scale should know the rating's low and nothing is promised," he said.
Reviewers can rate the product on a rating scale from one to five stars.
This was a rating scale for the severity of a situation and a level 6 marking has never been used.
Subjects were then given an example and instructions in how to fill out the rating scales.
Recent studies that assess fear of death in children use questionnaire rating scales.
After 18 months, the two groups showed no difference on a standard rating scale used for Parkinson's disease.
Teachers also are often asked to complete rating scales, such as:
However, there are specific problems in measuring language attitudes, particularly with rating scales.
This makes the rating scale well suited to both research and clinical applications.
Rating scales, in general, are limited to the informant's perspective.
The control subjects indicated on a rating scale that they were less hungry after eating.
Social distance can be expressed as a series of questions constituting a rating scale.
Since 2006 (and even earlier in some universities), university students are graded on a rating scale of 0 to 100.
This ratings scale is detailed on the introduction page to every issue's review section.
Superpowers may also use the same rating scale as the primary statistics.
ON a rating scale of one to five, who wouldn't want to get a five?
The rating scale ranged from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating worse quality of life.
The series uses a 10-point rating scale (1.0 to 10.0).
Limit the number of items in ranking or rating scale questions to fewer than ten.
The school counselor activity rating scale: An instrument for gathering process data.