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I am rather sorry that the Regional Policy Committee did not incorporate that in the report themselves, but there it is.
I also hope that a constructive dialogue between the Regional Policy Committee and the Commission will continue in the future.
I am not saying this on behalf of the Regional Policy Committee, but I would, however, recommend them warmly.
When the European Parliament's regional policy committee last carried out a study in Northern Ireland it produced the Martin report, which resulted in £63m for housing, he added.
Bairbre was a member of the Regional Policy Committee in the European Parliament and a substitute member of the Environment Committee.
They created the Ad Hoc Airport Regional Policy Committee, chaired by then-San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders.
Emsis was elected head of the Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee, he also worked on the Public Expenditure and Audit Committee.
Now, Mrs Hübner announced in discussions with the Regional Policy Committee last week that the regulation was to be revised and greater priority given to these issues in the 2007-2013 programmes.
Currently, he currently serves as chair of Association of Washington Cities Economic Development and Infrastructure sub-committee, Vice Chair of the King County Regional Policy Committee.
Currently, von Reichbauer serves on the Metropolitan King County Council as Chair of the Regional Policy Committee, as well as Vice-Chair of the Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee.
I support the Schroedter report, in the form in which it was issued by the Regional Policy Committee, because it aims to maintain a framework of European policies that ensure economic and social cohesion between the various regions and Member States.
I have the honour to be appointed as the rapporteur on the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee for the Structural Funds guidelines 2000-2006 and the committee agreed on that occasion, based on our recommendations to the Regional Policy Committee, that the Commission should pay attention to this issue of additionality.