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Like the Rhine wines, the setting is powerful, but a little aloof.
Before that, the wines were sold as plain "Rhine wine".
Try to fathom it and you will need something stronger than a delicate Rhine wine.
That region is a great producer of Rhine wines.
Inside them a clear liquid with a slightly greenish tinge, reminiscent of Rhine wine.
He poured them both drinks and, without asking her what she wanted, handed her a glass of white Rhine wine.
Term for Rhine wines, usually used in England.
They put it in Rhine wine, in their glass, and she drank, then he drank.
Boppard is known for its very good Rhine wine, attracting tourists with many lodging and dining businesses.
We had Rhine wine.
If they whet the public's appetite, the tide of Rhine wines may rise again in the United States.
There were two bottles of Rhine wine in the refrigerator for which I'd originally had other plans, but I could buy some more tomorrow.
"We have some Rhine wine," Ursula said.
Liebfraumilch, a German Rhine wine, translates as "milk of the Blessed Mother."
Later in the day, we chanced to pass a cafe, where three young exquisites sat sipping Rhine wines after the fashion of the country.
Klopstock's "Ode to Rhine Wine," and some others, were read.
Rhine Wine (syn.
Franz Schlieffen asked for Rhine wine, and upon being told there was none, accepted a glass of dry champagne.
For dinner there was a baron of tender beef from the estate, running with its own fragrant juices, and marvelous Rhine wines to wash it down.
Well, Mrs. Planish, and what would you say to a bottle of Rhine wine?"
They are among the few German wines that are truly dry, a welcome change from the usual, sweeter Rhine wines.
'The temperature here is ideal for hocks, border roses, Rhine wines, sweet sherry and growing mushrooms.'
Within the Middle Rhine wine region, Oberwesel is one of the biggest winegrowing centres.
The English word Hock, a generic term for Rhine wine, is derived from Hochheim.
But there is no reason not to enjoy good Rhine wines or Mosels with roast chicken and farm-bred ducks and turkeys.