Security personal must check each visitor's credentials and manually initiate any further security checks (for example, a call for a background check or other action).
Security checked his notes again.
"Security, cover our rear and check each alcove as we pass it."
Security, mindful of DIS inspectors, checked her identification thoroughly before waving her through.
Security Check It is often said that in our age of assembly lines and mass production there's no room for the individual craftsman, the artist in wood or metal who made so many of the treasures of the past.
Security on their rounds, checking all offices.
The experts hustled, Security checked, Intelligence probed.
Security had checked Mas Marko quite thoroughly and had indeed uncovered a communications device on him.
No Security Check Federal investigators are said to be looking into the possibility that Mr. Yildirim was set up in the diamond business by the East Germans as payment for his activities.
I was going to have Security check every lift, but now I can't even do that.