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You'll know that one skin cream does not fit all.
No one, on the other hand, will miss the skin cream ad.
In a turn of events, Jack sent the product out early, and a woman died from using the skin cream.
Every year, Brazilian women use seven tons of skin cream.
A prescription gel or skin cream may be all you need.
Or what about your new skin cream that made your hands break out?
It is often used in dermatological products such as skin creams.
Then suddenly, unaccountably, he faces a block on his new campaign for a skin cream.
With her back to the mirror, she rubbed skin cream all over her body.
Q: Can products like skin cream affect my reading?
Glucosamine is also in some skin creams used to control arthritis pain.
You can have the best skin cream possible, one that cures cancer and gets rid of wrinkles.
The treatment of sunburn is conservative, although some skin creams can help with the symptoms.
So can the quantity of cocoa in a jar of skin cream.
"We're spending the last moments thinking about sugar cones, skin cream - nonsense!"
From her small case of make-up she took a pot of French skin cream.
And there was a wonderful facial skin cream.
The products contain many of the same ingredients found in skin creams and serums.
No one paid much attention, especially when he went on to suggest that chocolate could work as a softener in skin creams.
Mercury salts may be used in skin creams and ointments.
At first, he suspected a skin cream he used to treat acne.
Treatment may include skin creams, ointments, or sometimes pills.
"What flavor skin cream do you suppose Trina will put on you?"
It was finally revealed this time that Gloria was the person who contaminated her skin cream line.
The infection is easily treated with skin creams, shampoos, or solutions.