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In the past it could take years to publish a paper soil survey.
Another factor has had an immense impact on soil survey, especially during the 1960s.
From 1899 until this time a number of agencies, both state and federal, had financial support to perform soil survey work.
The Bureau continued it soil survey efforts but with reduced funding.
A major use of traditional soil surveys is to provide interpretations for various land uses and environmental planning.
Each conservation district office offers a variety of natural resource information including soil surveys.
The term soil survey may also be used as a noun to describe the published results.
Most of the soil surveys published before 1910 were strongly influenced by these concepts.
Typical information in a published county soil survey includes the following:
Work for soil surveys was done at a mapping scale 1 inch to the mile.
Consistent with this, states like Indiana directed their own cooperative soil survey efforts.
Most empirical knowledge of soil in nature comes from soil survey efforts.
Soil surveys will, specifically, be made in various areas for the needs of irrigation and agriculture."
The combination is also used by soil scientists while creating a soil survey.
They are also located in Butte County, by an older soil survey.
As a result, highly specialized studies, such as soil surveys, were limited.
National and international soil survey efforts have given the profession unique insights into landscape scale functions.
All of these soils were classed as brown podzolic in a 1959 soil survey.
During the Great Depression, the soil survey efforts slowed.
Before 1950, the primary applications of soil surveys were farming, ranching, and forestry.
This reorganization did not set well with some universities and individuals that had been involved in the soil survey program up to that point.
The bride's father worked in Washington as the director of the soil survey, an Agriculture Department study.
There are also practical applications of soil science that might not be apparent from looking at a published soil survey.
Primary data for the soil survey are acquired by field sampling and by remote sensing.
Submerged soils: a new frontier in soil survey.