She has the intelligence and speed of something that passes through sound barriers without a wobble.
Wooden sound barriers cost $1.3 million per mile, plus site preparation or landscaping.
The new sound barriers do actually deaden truck noise - even on the roadway itself.
Same goes for the additional hundreds of millions of dollars spent on building concrete and wooden sound barriers all over the country.
The most effective sound barriers are solid fences.
He knows he is on safer ground when writing about highway sound barriers or the local soapbox derby.
He noted that evergreens, unlike trees that drop their leaves, also provide year-round sound barriers.
The symbols for the Pennacchio campaign are the concrete sound barriers being built along miles of the interstate system, including Routes 287 and 80.
The Sound Barrier won the award for Best Film.
The strong relationship to aviation history in The Sound Barrier has led to its being characterised as a "semi-documentary."