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Good to see a trigger warning, they seem so rare these days.
Trigger warnings: what should you be told before you read this piece?
If no programs other than these trigger warnings, it is very likely that they are false alarms.
Some have triggered warnings from self-appointed defenders of the web, however.
It is thought a series of formulas will be used as a guide to trigger warnings if, taken together, the behaviour indicates a possible threat.
The full list can be found at this link (trigger warning for rape, battery and sexual assault).
It can even trigger warning sounds!
Some critics issued trigger warnings; others decried the imagery as downright pedophilic.
Cameron's suggestion of automatically triggered warning pages for those about to trawl illegal sites is intelligent.
The latest revelations have triggered warnings from scientists that they no longer have the funds to keep a comprehensive track of climate change.
We've gone too far with 'trigger warnings'
In parts of America, bins are checked for waste that could have been recycled: lapses may trigger warnings or even fines.
It triggers warnings along his spine, bristling his nape.
And under my breath, I croak: "Trigger warning."
Students at Columbia University thought Ovid should not be taught without a 'trigger warning' for its descriptions of rape.
In recent years "trigger warnings" have been adopted by many universities in America to alert students to syllabus material that might be distressing.
In January, it halted sales for four days to fix a software malfunction that at times triggered warning lights while temporarily freezing navigation systems.
The prospect of default has raised alarm in the world's financial system, and triggered warnings of recession from the heads of major international organisations.
Trigger warnings are warnings that the ensuing content contains strong writing or images which could unsettle those with mental health difficulties.
According to my instructor, there’s a nerve in the human brain that triggers warning alarms, or voices in my case, once underwater.
Trigger Warning: Demons.
Thursday's mix-up triggered warnings on technology blogs and in tweets that the online messaging service had been attacked by computer hackers.
Wintry showers are expected to sweep across the country on Wednesday and into Thursday, triggering warnings of heavy rain and snow for many parts.
He glanced toward Spock, who was studying the edge of the table with a look of intense concentration that triggered warning bells in Kirk's head.
The voluntary sector faces an estimated £1.14bn cut in its local government grants this year, triggering warnings this week that Britain's volunteer army will be destroyed.